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Who speaks for Muslim women?
Muslim feminists reject Femen's 'sextremist' brand of protest.
- In a Skype conversation, Amina Tyler, a Tunisian woman whose topless pictures caused controversy, discussed her experiences with feminist group Femen, saying she was kidnapped and beaten by her family. She also said she does not want to leave Tunisia until she carries out a topless protest.
- Femen leader Inna Shevchenko called for a 'Topless Jihad Day' in support of Amina Tyler and later argued in an open letter that Muslim women cannot truly be 'free'.
- And you can put as many scarves as you want if you are free tomorrow to take it off and to put it back the next day but don't deny millions of your sisters who have fear behind their scarves, don't deny that there are million of your sisters who have been raped and killed because they are not following the wish of Allah! We are here to scream about that.
- Below is a screenshot from the 'Muslimah Pride Day' event on Facebook, a response to Femen's 'Topless Jihad Day':
- Sandmann SandmanTo all those who falsely claim that Islam oppresses women including Christiana Wanielik, who couldn't understand why any wise woman in the world can still be...more14 hours ago
- Frank JonesMore backward, brainwashed muslims making a joke of themselves.6 days ago
- Seif Ragehhey cindy stop the mindless blanter and go read a history book, thank you.7 days ago
+ Show more activity 12 comments - The organisers of the counter-protest urged Muslim women to speak out for themselves and assert their diverse identities:
- This event is open to ALL muslim women, Hijaabi's Nikaabis and women who choose not to wear it. Muslimah pride is about connecting with your Muslim identity and reclaiming our collective voice. Most importantly it is about diversity and showing that muslim women are not just one homogenous group. We come in all shapes and sizes, all races and cultural backgrounds. Whether we choose to wear hijaabs or not is nobodies business but ours. So please get clicking, get creative, get loud and proud. #Muslimapride
- Samir Khan"Whether we choose to wear hijaabs or not is nobodies business but ours. " If the sun says it's my business to shine or not how it will be dear ?3 hours ago
- Sandmann SandmanCindy Fox you should read a book called "1001 Muslim inventions". But the real short answer to your primitive comments is: they say the only time a W. h. o. r...more15 hours ago
- Cindy FoxI think Islam is not contributing anything good to humanity and for this reason Islam should Be treminated removed from history once and forever,8 days ago
+ Show more activity 4 comments - @fatemehf #muslimahpride - we appose #FEMEN & their use of Muslim women to reinforce Western Imperialism" JOIN:…
- The organisers also penned the following open letter to Femen:
- Dear #feminists (#FEMEN), we've never needed you and never will. Sincerely, Muslim women. #Muslimahpride
- Using the hashtag #MuslimahPride, netizens criticised Femen's campaign and said it reinforced stereotypes about Muslim women:
- "Only if Femen and Richard Dawkins would come to rescue us from our oppressive men and religion" said no muslim woman ever! #muslimahpride
- We don't accept the stereotypes enforced on us by the west. Nor do we need #Femen to become our collective mouth piece. #MuslimahPride
- Mimicking Femen's tactic of posting topless photos to social networks, 'Muslimah Pride Day' participants shared photos of themselves expressing their opposition to 'Topless Jihad Day':
- Akera MusbauI pray Allah to forgive me for sharing this kind of picture on the social network but i intend passing a message and also bringing to our notice a recent event...more2 days ago
- No to Islamophobic, Bigoted, Xenephobic, gender imperialists #Femen We reject #toplessjihadday We Are #muslimahpride
- "#FEMEN can't tell me what I can or can't WEAR! #MuslimahPride" JOIN Post ur photo messages to…
- @mmbilal #Femen #muslimahpride #toplessjihadday "I do not need......eurocentric feminists to dictate to me!"
- Femen's 'Topless Jihad Day' events occurred around the world and were widely shared online. This photo is from a protest in front of a mosque in Paris.
- Femen Protest
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