Ratio proposition: Holding a placard with the face of the CEO of Swiss banking giant UBS Sergio Ermotti, members of the Swiss Social Democrats youth wing demonstrate in Zurich in favour of their initiative

Ideal ratio: A placard shows the face of the CEO of Swiss banking giant UBS Sergio Ermotti as members of the Swiss Social Democrats youth wing demonstrate in Zurich in favour of "1:12". Photo: AFP

Swiss voters are heading to the polls for a referendum on whether to peg executive pay so that bosses cannot receive more than 12 times the salary of their lowest-paid employee.

The measure is not expected to pass. Only a third of voters in a recent poll said they would back it, down from closer to half last month.

But the debate has tapped into a vein of discontent among Swiss voters who in March overwhelmingly approved new rules to rein in golden handshakes, in the wake of high-profile mega-payments to top bosses.

Dubbed the "1:12" initiative after the legally-binding ratio it would set between the top and bottom salaries in a firm, the plan has met with stiff opposition from Switzerland's business community and political right.

Its critics have issued stark warnings that inscribing salary restrictions into the law would make the wealthy Alpine nation less competitive and break with a Swiss tradition of a limited official meddling in business.

"There's a climate of mistrust towards those who make money," Jean-Claude Biver, boss of high-end watchmaker Hublot, told the Swiss daily Le Temps.

Christoph Darbellay, head of the centre-right Christian Democratic Party, told AFP he could understand disquiet over "undeserved salaries".

But voting Yes would be tantamount of "shooting ourselves in the foot", he insisted.

Switzerland's cross-party government has urged a No vote, saying a 1:12 law would dent tax revenues and scare off foreign firms.

Switzerland, which has long boasted a business-friendly climate coupled with one of the highest average salaries in the world, has largely avoided the economic crisis dogging the European Union, of which it is a staunch non-member.

The referendum campaign was spearheaded by the Socialist Party, plus the Greens and trade unions.

They have rejected the criticism, arguing that it is time to clip the wings of the vastly overpaid, and underlining that an informal ratio of about 1:12 was the norm as late as 1998, before things went awry.

Under the direct democracy which is the core of the Swiss political system, the campaigners were able to put the issue to a plebiscite by collecting more than 100,000 signatures.

The debate has led to intense scrutiny of bosses' pay packets, which the 1:12 proponents say were an average 43 times higher in 2011 than those on the bottom of the ladder.