Monday, February 10, 2014

[batavia-news] Fw: Majalah Tempo, 10 Februari 2014 - Indonesia & English Edition


Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 11:22 AM
To: Ambon
Subject: Majalah Tempo, 10 Februari 2014 - Indonesia & English Edition
Promo Digital - Desember 2013
Beras Ilegal Di Pasar Lokal
Tanggal Edisi: 
10 Februari 2014
Cover Story:  Lika-Liku Perburuan Anggoro; Gugat Ulang UU Mahkamah Konstitusi; Teror Pengawas Pemilu
Deskripsi:  PENYELIDIKAN Bea dan Cukai mengindikasikan beras medium asal Vietnam masuk ke Indonesia menggunakan kedok beras premium. Ribuan ton komoditas impor itu membanjiri pasar Jakarta, lalu merembes ke kota-kota lain. Harga produk lokal pun jatuh, dan negara kehilangan potensi pendapatan. Siapa bandar di balik beras Vietnam ini?
Ill-Gotten Grains
Edition Date: 
10 February 2014
Cover Story:  National Anggoro: Return Of The Fugitive; Outreach: Silent Struggle
AN investigation by Customs officials reveals that thousands of tons of medium-grade Vietnamese rice is entering the country under the guise of premium-grade rice. This rice is sold in local markets, undercutting stocks supplied by farmers, and depriving the state of revenues. Who is behind this trickery and who benefits by it?
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