PNG opposition leader, Belden Namah (IST)
Jayapura, 14/4 (Jubi) – Operations by the Indonesian military to capture rebels near the border with Papua New Guinea last week scared residents in Vanimo, said PNG opposition leader BeldeNamah.
"On several occasions, the army came and burned the houses. They threatened people under arms, either those who suspected to protect the members of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) or those who were just accused for no reasons. Because of it, the PNG citizens at the border are living in fear all the time. The Government of PNG must be aware and make an open statement," Namah told by phone on Monday (14/4)
He earlier said Indonesian troops had entered some areas of PNG including Vanimo after a suspected rebel attack on the military on April 7.
Indonesian armed forces chief General Moeldoko earlier said that he guaranteed his personnel would only pursue the armed group who crossed the border of PNG.
"Of course, our target is the armed people. We will take firm action against anyone who tries to harm the local people or the government of Indonesia," Moeldoko said in Jakarta last week.
Namah also said that PNG has a moral obligation to help end the suffering of the people of West Papua and their struggle for independence.
"Indonesia is part of Asia and has no relation with Melanesia. Thus it cannot claim Papuan and West Papua as part of it, regardless the history between Indonesia and the Netherlands," he said.
The Government of Papua New Guinea has officially admitted that West Papua is an internal part of Indonesia, therefore it never interferes the internal affairs of Indonesia.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration of PNG, Hon Rimfrink Pato said his government totally supported the sovereignty of Indonesia over West Papua and do not agree with those who want its separation from Indonesia," he said in Ambon during a visit by MSG delegation on 15 January. (Jubi/Victor Mambor/rom)
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