Sunday, May 25, 2014

[batavia-news] Editorial: Corrupt Elites Proof of Broken Education



Editorial: Corrupt Elites Proof of Broken Education

By Jakarta Globe on 08:47 pm May 25, 2014
Category Editorial, Opinion

Indonesia is still struggling to provide proper education to all of its citizens even after almost 70 years of independence. The question is even bigger when we are talking about providing a good quality education which creates a smart, competitive and honest generation.

Indonesians are the product of how the nation implements its education values, system and curriculum. In terms of human resource competitiveness against other nations, we are falling behind. We have hardly any innovators in science and industry or in art and literature. Despite a population of more than 240 million people, the fourth largest in the world, we have failed to produce a single Nobel Prize winner, or a globally recognized brand, for instance.

In terms of producing quality leaders, we only need to see how many officials and businesspeople have been arrested for corruption, or how people on the streets have no discipline nor respect for the law. We only need to see how the old guard are still playing a key role in policy making to realize our failure in building a clean and honorable elite.

This is not because people don't want to learn or study. The Jakarta Globe's report from one of the country's most remote areas — along the border of Indonesia and Timor Leste — finds that many
families there, most of them very poor, are willing to sacrifice anything to have their children educated.

So, the problem lies in Jakarta and the country's big cities where our leaders have singularly failed to create and implement policies that facilitate quality education for all.

We hope, no, we demand, that the new leaders from this year's presidential election prioritize quality education for all above anything else. An education that prioritizes and rewards innovative thinking and encourages out-of-the-box thinking. Not one that uses rigid memorization and rote as a way of learning


Posted by: "Sunny" <>
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