Former Yogya Military Brass 'Proud' of Kopassus Jail Killings
Jakarta Globe | April 10, 2013
Maj. Gen. Hardiono Saroso, the former Yogyakarta military commander ousted following the revenge killing of four detainees by Kopassus Special Forces members, said he was proud of his soldiers for honoring the "Spirit of the Corps" when they gunned down the unarmed men.
"I respect them and I am proud of the 11 soldiers who are currently being investigated," Hardiono told the Indonesian newspaper Tempo.
The soldiers stand accused of storming the Cebongan prison, in Sleman, on March 23 and executing four men awaiting trial for killing a special forces member during a brawl at an area cafe.
Hardiono originally denied the military's involvement in the killings, telling reporters "It wasn't the TNI. No soldiers were involved," shortly after the incident.
He was later relieved of his post.
The former commander said on Wednesday that he was willing to sacrifice his job and his title to stand by the accused soldiers.
"It's the manifestation of my unwavering solidarity," he said, adding that the 11 men had honored the "Esprit de Corps" ("spirit of the corps") by standing up for what they believed in and being honest about their actions.
The military has vowed that the soldiers will face a military tribunal. They are also investigating whether to sanction their immediate superiors.
The attack set off a flurry of criticism and ended with the firing of both Hardiono and Yogyakarta Police chief Brig. Gen. Sabar Rahardjo, who allegedly had prior knowledge of the attack and failed to intervene.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono urged for a fair and transparent trial, calling the slayings a brutal example of "street justice" carried out by Indonesian armed forces.
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