Friday, September 4, 2020

[MailingListPendidikanNetwork] Will Pi Coin be the next big thing in the world of cryptocurrency?


Hi Friends,

Money has continuously evolved and changed its form.
Today, digital currencies are what suits the requirements of the digital world.
Digital currencies focus on decentralizing the currency to make the privacy-oriented transactions.
Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that can be used to transfer assets from person to person in a decentralized way.
They are not regulated by any banks or any other central authorities.
These coins are all digital and have no physical presence.
Cryptocurrencies can be bought from exchanges and stored in wallets,exchange wallets,or hardware storage disk.
They are also distributed across the whole network,
so even if one part fails no data is lost. And interestingly,
Pi coin is the first & only cryptocurrency that you can mine on your phone.
And it is FREE, even no credit card required.

Pi Coin & Pi Network
"Pi Network" is a smart platform that allows users to earn Pi cryptocurrency from any mobile device.
Beta version of the app was launched in March 2019 by three individuals from Stanford.
And two of them hold PhDs. They aim to create a secure, immutable,
non-counterfeit and interoperable source of digital money.
They are going to do this by using distributed ledger technology and making use of the stellar consensus protocol.

Download Pi Network App: Android | iOS, you just need search PI, PI NETWORK, MINEPI

Pi Network is secured and operated by its community,i.e. its users and their joint engagement.
Pi is mined through proof of consensus, which is basically where your phone communicates with a bunch of nodes,
and the nodes collectively decide on what the solution to the next block is.
Whereas in Bitcoin, the solution is already set and whoever gets it first gets the reward.

How to "mine" Pi Coin?
There are simple steps to connect to a Pi network and start mining the cryptocurrency – Pi Coin.
First, you download their app and specify the registration method: Facebook or phone number.
You will also be required to fill in an invitation code (cakzxd) to join the network as it relies on secure circles.
Each user receives one "Pi" per account upon registration.
To mine, you just have to open the app and click on the 'mine' button every 24-hours to prove that you are a credible contributor to the network.
The app doesn't need to run in the background, so you can close it and open it after 24-hours and click on the button to mine.
There is currently no way to invest in shares but more options will hopefully become available as the app gains more popularity.

How is it different from other cryptocurrency?
Some of the key differences between Pi Network and other blockchains are the fact that rewards are paid out daily.
They are not paid out per block, and they are also spread across the entire network so as long as you interact with the network,
you will receive a payout at the end of the day.
The white paper discusses the availability of free transactions depending on network congestion.
Once the network becomes heavily congested, then miners will be able to sort through transactions based on a fee system with higher fees being dealt with first and everybody else having to wait based on the amount of fee they want to pay.

At present, there is no fixed supply and the total supply is unknown.
Once the project officially launches, the total supply will be worked out.
The tokens that people are earning right now are acting as a faucet and are a visual representation of tokens that will be created in the Genesis block when the main net launches.

Pi network is rapidly expanding and as of right now it has more than 7millions engaged users.
It could be the next big thing for all we know. It is free to join so no one stands anything to lose by downloading the app.
But it is highly recommended to do your research before you decide to delve further.
Today, the price of Bitcoin has exceeded $10,000, but in 2009, 10,000 Bitcoin was only equivalent to 2 pizzas.

Pi's situation today is the same as Bitcoin in 2009. If you missed Bitcoin earlier, please don't miss this opportunity again.
You can also find the Pi network on our site.    


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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Gara2 HP Hilang, Beredar Chating Mesra Sekda Bondowoso Dengan Wanita Yang Bukan Istrinya Plus Foto Bugil Sekda


Gara2 HP Hilang, Beredar Chating Mesra Sekda Bondowoso Dengan Wanita Yang Bukan Istrinya Plus Foto Bugil Sekda


Viral screenshot chat WhatsApp tak etis diduga sebagai Sekda Bondowoso Syaifullah dan seorang dokter gigi yang merupakan ASN berinisial HHH.
Dugaan chat tidak pantas itu tersebar setelah ponsel milik HHH hilang.

Kapolsek Bondowoso Kota AKP R Heru Wahyudi membenarkan berita kehilangan tersebut.

HHH melaporkan kehilangan ponsel itu ke Polsek Bondowoso Kota pada Selasa (24/8/2020).

"Dia melaporkan kehilangan HP (handphone) karena jatuh," kata Heru saat dihubungi, Kamis (27/8/2020).

Berdasarkan laporan yang diterima, HHH kehilangan ponsel pada Sabtu (22/8/2020) sekitar pukul 18.30 WIB. Ponsel itu hilang di sekitar wilayah Bondowoso Kota.

"Dia melaporkan HP hilang, bukan hilang karena diambil orang, tapi terjatuh," kata Heru.

Foto tangkap layar chat atau percakapan mesra melalui aplikasi WhatsApp antara Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Bondowoso, Saifullah dengan perempuan yang berprofesi sebagai Dokter Gigi berinisial R itu akhirnya beredar luas di sejumlah nomor WhatsApp dan grup Facebook.

foto tangkap layar pesan di WhatsApp juga beredar ke masyarakat termasuk wartawan.

Isi dalam percakapan itu, Saifullah cenderung merayu.

Saifullah juga kerap mengirim pesan mesra kepada dokter gigi yang bertugas di RSUD Koesnadi Bondowoso itu.
Salah satunya, Saifullah menyapa dengan panggilan 'sayang'.

Saifullah tak menampik bila dia sempat saling berbalas pesan dengan dokter itu.

Saifullah juga membenarkan, bila chat WhatsApp yang tersebar itu merupakan isi pesan antara dia dengan dokter berinisial R.

"Kalau chat atau percakapan yang tersebar mungkin benar. Semua orang juga melakukan (chat dengan lawan jenis) itu." katanya di ruang kerjanya, Rabu (26/8/2020).

Bahkan percakapan dalam file PDF tersebut dimulai dari bulan Januari 2020 yang sudah berisi chatingan mesra diduga Sekda dengan wanita (Hayu) yang  merupakan dokter gigi di Rumah sakit umum Koesnadi Bondowoso

Percakapan tersebut sangat rutin dilakukan oleh diduga sekda dengan Hayu hampir setiap harinya dengan kata-kata mesra bahkan sering bertemu diam-diam.  

Dalam chattingan itu, sering kali keduanya berkirim gambar saat melaksanakan tugasnya. Paling mengerikan diduga sekda mengirim fotonya sendiri setengah badan tanpa sehelai kain di badannya.  

Sekda sempat mengirim puisi kepada Hayu "Wahai sang rembulanAndai engkau berada di pelukankuAkan ku peluk dirimu dan tidak mungkin ku lepas lagiSampai bumi menyapa mu dan menyapa ku Menyapa kita berdua"

Berbeda dengan pengakuannya pada media sebelumnya dimana Sekretaris daerah Bondowoso Syaifullah membenarkan bahwa itu memang chat yang dia lakukan dengan wanita itu dan menganggap semua orang juga melakukan chat seperti itu dengan lawan jenis, Tapi saat Syaifullah dikonfirmasi melalui pesan Whatsapp-nya tidak mengakui perihal chatingan tersebut. Ia mengatakan bahwa tidak pernah melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana diungkap oleh bukti screenshot tersebut.

Mungkin karena bingung sebab hubungannya dengan wanita itu terbuka pada publik, maka Syaifullah mengemukakan pengakuan yang berbeda2 pada beberapa awak media

Dalam Chating juga diduga bahwa si wanita diminta menemui Sekda di kamar sebuah hotel dan si wanita diminta agar jangan sampai berpapasan dengan ajudan atau sopir Sekda jika menemui Sekda di kamar hotel tersebut.

Pada kesempatan lain pada rangkaian chating itu, diduga Sekda juga menawarkan akan men transfer dana, jika wanita itu menunggu dirinya di hotel di Surabaya

Selain itu dalam chating juga diduga, bahwa Sekda bisa memberi jabatan pada orang yang disukainya dan juga bisa melakukan mutasi jabatan pada tempat yang tidak bagus pada orang atau pegawai negeri yang tidak disukai oleh si Wanita atau tidak disukai oleh Sekda atau dianggap sebagai pengkhianat oleh Sekda.

Untuk konfirmasi lebih mendetail bisa menghubungi Sekda Bondowoso, bapak Syaifullah, HP/WA: 085232999533

Berikut sebagian screenshoot chating yang tersebar di media sosial twitter, facebook dll dan juga pada para wartawan tersebut




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