Saturday, October 19, 2013

[batavia-news] 'Our' weaponized Wahhabi bastards + Di Tangan Wahabi, Islam Menjadi Aneh


Oct 18, '13

'Our' weaponized Wahhabi bastards
By Pepe Escobar

Life is good if you're a member of the Gulf Counter-revolution Club, officially known as Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). You can crush the Arab Spring at will. You can hire goons all across dar-al-Islam to advance a sectarian Sunni-Shi'ite divide. You can be deeply implicated in the destruction of Syria. You can treat a significant part of your own population as third-class citizens.

Not only you get away with it; you get rewarded with expensive toys. And in one particular case - Saudi Arabia - even with a two-year seat at the UN Security Council.

Not to mention that the House of Saud expertly gets away with manipulating Islam as the pillar of its "legitimacy". The House of Saud controls the Hajj - which took place this week; an enormous logistical operation that "legitimizes" its role as leader of Sunni
Islam, and automatically, the whole Islamic world. Well-informed Muslims though are very much aware of the fallacy - as much as they're aware of how the House of Saud is fast transforming Mecca into a Vegas-style pay-per-prayer luxury resort. Who's profiting? Certainly not the pilgrims.

This week, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced it had notified congress about selling more state-of-the-art heavy metal for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). That breaks down into "various munitions and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support" to Riyadh for US$6.8 billion and to Abu Dhabi for $4 billion.

Weaponizing "our" Wahhabi bastards is the sweetest deal for the industrial-military-Orwellian Panopticon complex. Sequestration? Tight budgets? Who cares? There's a never-ending contractor bonanza in the Gulf - inbuilt in the narrative of the benign superpower "benefactor" of those helpless oil and gas monarchic monopolies defending them against assorted evildoers; one day the evildoer is Iraq, the next day Iran, the next day could be their own people, so one's gotta be prepared.

Once in a while Israel exhibits the requisite raised eyebrow, but that's just for show. Israel and the GCC have a de facto alliance against the bloc regionally known as the axis of resistance - Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah. Israel would not prevent the GCC from gorging on F-15 Eagles, F-16 Desert Falcons, assorted air-launched cruise missiles, satellite-guided bombs and plenty of high-tech communication gear. Just your average, innocent "military and defense cooperation".

There are glitches in this cozy relationship, of course. Currently, the House of Saud is livid facing the possibility of a negotiated solution for the Iran nuclear dossier - immediately after the Russian-US deal on Syria's chemical weapons. Yet now the House of Saud has even managed to find a pulpit to voice its anger; Saudi Arabia has just won a two-year, rotating UN Security Council seat for the first time - taking over from Pakistan as an Asia-Pacific representative.

The House of Saud has always refrained from competing for a Security Council seat in the past. But now - facing its fabricated version of an "existential threat", which is not only Iran but also Assad in Syria - it's time to act.

So get ready to watch an angry, fearful, medievalist oil kingdom notorious for its spectacular record on human rights and women's rights, and so fond of lashings and beheadings, pontificating on the global stage about…human rights. This is what US Think Tankland describes as "seeking a more active role in key international bodies". When that applies to "our" bastards, of course; otherwise it's about "terror states" trying to subvert the international order.

A number of House of Saud princes are now engulfed in a lethal battle for the Saudi succession - as King Abdullah is about to meet his maker. Are these princes worthy of Machiavelli? Don't hold your breath.

Machiavelli taught us that individual will is as crucial as international power play in determining foreign policy decisions. The Florentine stressed how fortuna (fortune) can be capricious, and how history can be contingent. So how does a great Prince steer his state? By deploying virtu (virtue).

Oh no, this has nothing to do with the guilt-ridden Christian mish-mash, which also happens to be a crucial pillar of the "American exceptionalism" concept. It's all got to do with classical values predominant in the Ancient World - from Greece to Persia. Virtue as in knowledge, strength, courage, and cunning.

So under this gold standard, Vladimir Putin certainly qualifies as a worthy Prince. Deng Xiaoping certainly did. Hassan Rouhani in Iran may reveal himself to be of the same caliber. But what about those angry, fearful, intolerant, yet heavily weaponized Arab princes? You don't need to be a pilgrim to Mecca-as-Disneyland to find your answer.

Pepe Escobar is the author of
Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007), Red Zone Blues: a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge (Nimble Books, 2007), and Obama does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009).

He may be reached at

(Copyright 2013 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication and republishing)

Di Tangan Wahabi, Islam Menjadi Aneh

Written by: Admin SM on 18 Juni 2013 | 13:58

Entah mengapa, semenjak munculnya Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab sebagaimana disabdakan oleh nabi sebagai tanduk syetan, islam menjadi aneh. Perubahan banyak terjadi. Halal menjadi haram, haram menjadi halal.

Ibadah menjadi bid'ah dan bid'ah menjelma jadi ibadah. Orang alim yang ilmu agamanya luas dianggap bodoh, sedangkan orang bodoh hanya bermodalkan buku-buku bacaan pasaran menjadi ahli hadits yang posisinya melebihi Imam Bukhari
Keanehan-keanehan itu semakin menjadi-jadi seiring bergulirnya waktu. Nikah menjadi haram, zina dihalalkan. Ayam goreng yang semula halal menjadi haram, malah daging anjing menjadi halal
Demikianlah fitnah-demi fitnah terus melanda kaum muslimin hingga hari ini
Dulu, negeri kita Indonesia, belum mengenal Islam, hingga datanglah para da'i dari berbagai negeri islam, terutama dari YAMAN. Mereka berdakwah dengan santun hingga Islam menyinari Nusantara. Dari kegelapan animisme dan dinamisme menuju cahaya Islam yang terang benderang
Sungguh benar apa yang disabdakan Nabi
أتاكم أهل اليمن، هم أرق أفئدة وألين قلوباً، الإيمان يمان والحكمة يمانية
Datang kepada kalian penduduk Yaman. Mereka orang yang lembut hatinya serta halus perasaannya. Iman itu Yaman, hikmah itu Yaman
Ajaran para wali penyebar islam itu kemudian menjadi modal utama bangsa ini dalam menghadapi bermacam-macam penjajah yang ingin menguasai tanah air kita
Dimulai dari Portugis, Inggris, Belanda hingga Jepang ratusan tahun bangsa kita dirongrong habis-habisan secara fisik maupun aqidah
Belum lagi rongrongan aqidah yang dibawa oleh gerombolan PKI yang membawa faham komunis Rusia
Ditambah lagi faham komunis dari Saudi yang jauh lebih licik dari ajaran atheis. Mereka berupaya membujuk rayu masyarakat dengan symbol-simbol islam. Seakan-akan mereka berkata, "KAMI DATANG DARI NEGERI NABI KALIAN, MEKKAH DAN MADINAH. KAMI DATANG MEMBAWA TAUHID, IKUTILAH KAMI PASTI KALIAN MASUK SURGA." dan berbagai bualan yang menggiurkan
Belanda ingin menjadikan kita Negara boneka, jepang ingin memperalat kita dalam perang asia timur raya, komunis rusia ingin menjadikan kita tak mengenal tuhan, komunis Saudi ingin menguasai Negara dan menjadikan kita pemuja syetan Nejd
Berhasilkah para penjajah tadi?
Berhasil juga, sekalipun sedikit. Penjajah eropa meninggalkan agama Kristen. Komunis rusia meninggalkan faham atheis, syi'ah Iran berhasil menyelinap masuk, dan ada pula Komunis Saudi (baca: Wahabi)
Andai saja tak ada ajaran Walisongo yang mengajak kita mengenal Tauhid dan Sunnah Rasulullah Saw, tak dapat kita bayangkan jadi apa Negara kita ini
Singkatnya, jangan percaya sama yang aneh-aneh, sekalipun diiming-imingi surga. Jangan gampang percaya penampilan luar sekalipun nampak sangat Islami. Kenali berbagai kejanggalannya. Biasanya tidak rukun dengan tetangga, suka menyendiri, kedatangan tamu misterius, tak punya sopan santun. Pokoknya, Islam palsu pasti akan terdapat banyak keanehan

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[batavia-news] Densus Antikorupsi, Perlukah?


res : Mengingat banyak anggota (petinggi) Polri terkait korupsi, maka tentu saja diperlukan "densus antikorupsi" supaya bisa mengamankan yang menyelidiki korupsi agar Polri dinyatakan bebas korupsi. Hal yang menarik ialah apakah benar para petinggi TNI  suci dan bebas korupsi?
Densus Antikorupsi, Perlukah?
Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013 - 11:31 WIB
: 63

Kapolri Jenderal Polisi Timur Pradopo (kiri )dan Komjen Polisi Sutarman yang resmi terpilih menjadi Kapolri baru. .
Jangan-jangan Densus Antikorupsi untuk mengamankan perkara korupsi di lingkungan Polri saja.

ADA yang menarik di sela-sela uji kepatutan dan kelayakan calon tunggal Kapolri Komjen Sutarman di Komisi III DPR, Kamis (17/10).  Anggota Komisi III DPR Ahmad Yani mengusulkan agar Kapolri baru bisa membentuk satuan khusus yang berfungsi melakukan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi di Polri.

Menurut politikus dari Fraksi Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) itu, dasar pembentukan satuan itu adalah masih adanya kelemahan kepolisian dalam menuntaskan kasus tindak pidana korupsi. "Kita sudah ada Densus Terorisme, Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN), lalu kenapa masalah korupsi tidak menjadi bagian terpenting lainnya untuk ditangani?" ujarnya.

Tanpa disebut secara terbuka maksud dari wakil rakyat yang satu ini, sangat jelas bahwa sudah waktunya ada Detasemen Khusus Tindak Pidana Korupsi atau Densus Antikorupsi guna menguak dan memberantas perkara korupsi.

Bak gayung bersambut. Komjen Sutarman yang akhirnya terpilih sebagai Kapolri baru menyambut baik usulan dibentuknya Densus Antikorupsi itu. Dia sepakat sudah saatnya ada lembaga itu guna menguak dan memberantas perkara korupsi. "Itu bagian yang harus kita lakukan, operasionalnya harus kita tingkatkan," kata Sutarman usai menjalani uji kepatutan dan kelayakan.

Diakui atau tidak wacana pembentukan Densus Antikorupsi bakal mengundang banyak pertanyaan yang mendasar di antaranya apakah pembentukan Densus Antikorupsi benar-benar tidak akan menimbulkan konflik kepentingan dengan lembaga lain yang juga bertugas dalam cakupan yang sama sebut saja Kejaksaan Agung atau Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK). Lantas fokus perkara korupsi macam apa yang disasar Densus Antikorupsi tersebut? Lantas bagaimana dengan perkara korupsi yang sudah lebih dulu ditangani Kejaksaan Agung dan KPK.

Kita mendukung setiap langkah dan upaya untuk memberantas korupsi di negeri ini. Hal itu sangat mendesak mengingat kasus korupsi sudah menjangkiti lembaga legislatif, eksekutif, dan terakhir yudikatif. Namun sekali lagi masalahnya adalah bukan tidak mungkin kehadiran Densus Antikorupsi malah akan menimbulkan persoalan baru bahkan gesekan di antara lembaga-lembaga yang telah lebih dulu diberi amanat sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada. Apalagi jika nantinya ternyata Densus Antikorupsi ini berada di bawah kendali Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri).

Bukan rahasia umum lagi jika hingga kini banyak kasus korupsi yang ditangani pihak Polri masih berjalan di tempat atau mangkrak. Contoh yang paling anyar adalah kasus rekening gendut Aiptu Labora Sitorus, anggota Polres Raja Ampat, Papua. Dalam kasus ini, Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) membeber data sedikitnya ada 33 pejabat Polri yang diduga menerima aliran dana dari Aiptu Labora Sitorus dari Januari 2012 hingga Maret 2013. Pejabat Mabes Polri, misalnya menerima 13 kali aliran dana lewat rekening sebuah bank pelat merah. Kapolda Papua diduga menerima lima kali aliran dana dari Sitorus dari Juni 2012 hingga Februari 2013.
Sejumlah kapolres dan pejabat di Polda Papua menerima aliran dana 16 kali atau setiap bulan menerima setoran dari Sitorus antara Rp 25-250 juta.

Hingga kini, masyarakat masih menanti penyelesaian dugaan aliran dana Aiptu Labora Sitorus kepada 33 pejabat Polri itu. Tidak heran jika kemudian muncul desakan agar KPK mengambil alih kasus rekening gendut Aiptu Labora dan menjadikan semua pejabat Polri yang menerima aliran dana tersebut sebagai tersangka.

Kasus Aiptu Labora Sitorus hanya satu contoh bagaimana pihak Polri lambat menyelesaikan perkara korupsi di lingkungan internal mereka. Karena itu, bukan tidak sebab jika wacana perlunya pembentukan Densus Antikorupsi seperti yang diusulkan anggota Komisi III DPR Ahmad Yani yang kemudian diaminkan Kapolri baru Komjen Sutarman bisa dianggap sebagai langkah mundur. Jangan-jangan kehadiran Densus Antikorupsi ini malah hanya untuk "mengamankan" perkara-perkara korupsi yang bisa saja terjadi di lingkungan Polri. Kita tentunya berharap tidak demikian agaknya.

Namun lepas dari itu, wacana pembentukan Densus Antikorupsi harus dipertimbangkan secara matang dan tidak bisa diputuskan dalam keterdesakan waktu apalagi setelah DPR utamanya Komisi III memberi "karpet merah" bagi Komjen Sutarman melaju menjadi Kapolri menggantikan Jenderal Timur Pradopo.
Sumber : Sinar Harapan

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[batavia-news] Waspadai Daging Olahan Impor Ilegal


Waspadai Daging Olahan Impor Ilegal
Moh Ridwan | Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013 - 13:25 WIB
: 92

Serbuan daging olahan impor dalam bentuk bakso, sosis, maupun kornet, membahayakan konsumen.

JAKARTA - Masyarakat diimbau untuk tidak mengonsumsi daging olahan impor, dari negara-negara yang suplai bahan bakunya berasal dari negara yang belum bebas penyakit mulut dan kuku (PMK).

Meski harga yang ditawarkan lebih murah dibandingkan produk lokal, produk daging olahan lokal diklaim lebih terjamin karena suplai bahan bakunya tidak berasal dari negara yang belum bebas PMK seperti Australia.

"Indonesia mempunyai peraturan lebih baik dari Malaysia. Bahan baku industri daging di Indonesia dan Malaysia sangat timpang. Maraknya produk impor sosis dari Malaysia dibuat dengan bahan baku dari India, sementara India belum bebas PMK. Hal ini sangat membahayakan konsumen dan pelaku usaha daging olahan," tegas Direktur Industri Makanan, Hasil Laut dan Perikanan Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin), Faiz Ahmad, di Jakarta, Kamis (17/10).

Menurut Faiz, serbuan produk-produk daging olahan impor baik dalam bentuk bakso, sosis, maupun kornet, selain membahayakan konsumen, juga mengancam kelangsungan industri daging olahan dalam negeri.

Dengan selisih harga bahan baku yang sangat mencolok, produk daging olahan lokal saat ini kalah bersaing dengan produk impor dari negara tetangga seperti Malaysia. Hal tersebut dibenarkan Asosiasi Industri Pengolahan Daging Indonesia atau National Meet Processing Indonesia (NAMPA).

"Daging dari India harganya Rp 25.000 per kg, sedangkan dari Australia harganya US$ 5 per kg. Produk sosis dari India harganya Rp 36.000 per kg dan sosis dengan bahan baku daging dari Australia harganya bisa Rp 50.000 dan konsumen cenderung memilih produk dengan harga yang murah," ungkap Ketua NAMPA, Ishana Mahisa.

Ishana menambahkan, dengan kondisi tidak fair seperti ini, sulit bagi pelaku industri pengolahan daging dalam negeri untuk bertahan. Terlebih lagi pemerintah baru saja menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri Pertanian (Permentan) Nomor 84/2013 tentang pemasukan karkas, daging, jeroan, dan/atau olahannya ke dalam wilayah Indonesia.

"Pasal 9 dari Permentan Nomor 84/2013 menyatakan, untuk negara belum bebas penyakit mulut dan kuku (PMK) Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) dan Swine Vesicular Disease (SVD), dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai negara asal pemasukan daging olahan dengan persyaratan telah dipanaskan lebih dari 80 derajat Celcius selama 2-3 menit. Impor bahan baku daging dari negara belum bebas PMK dilarang pemerintah, dan hal ini sangat merugikan industri pengolahan nasional," timpal Ketua Umum Gabungan Pengusaha Makanan dan Minuman Indonesia (GAPMMI), Adhi S Lukman.

Dukungan Pemerintah

Adhi menambahkan, menjelang implementasi pasar tunggal ASEAN atau ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015, pemerintah seharusnya lebih memperkuat struktur industri di dalam negeri.

"Jangan sampai industri nasional mati di pasar global karena tidak ada dukungan pemerintah. Beberapa regulasi harus diharmoniskan dan pelaku usaha ingin harmonisasi bahan baku dan produk pangan olahan. Jangan sampai produk pangan olahan dimudahkan impornya dan membuat pelaku usaha menjadi pedagang karena kemudahan produk impor olahan daging," ia menegaskan.

Menurut Adhi, keberadaan Permentan Nomor 84/2013 justru semakin menyulitkan industri olahan daging nasional dan pelaku usaha masih dibatasi, dengan belum bebasnya masalah penyakit kuku di beberapa sentra produksi sapi.

"Pelaku usaha daging sapi olahan hanya boleh mengimpor daging sapi dari Australia, New Zealand, dan Amerika Serikat. Untuk negara yang terkena PMK seperti India, banyak mengimpor bahan baku ke Malaysia dan diolah menjadi produk seperti sosis maupun bakso dan dikirim ke pasar dalam negeri," tandasnya.

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[batavia-news] Sidang Bentrok FPI; Dakwaan Jaksa Tidak Jelas


Sidang Bentrok FPI; Dakwaan Jaksa Tidak Jelas
SU Herdjoko | Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013 - 12:45 WIB
: 90

DIKAWAL-Dua terdakwa kasus bentrokan antara massa Front Pembela Islam (FPI) dengan warga, Edy Bowo Dwiyanto (kiri) dan Soni Haryono ((tengah, belakang), dikawal petugas seusai mengikuti sidang perdan
Dua orang itu terbukti membawa senjata tajam ketika melakukan aksi.

SEMARANG - Kuasa hukum terdakwa anggota Front Pembela Islam (FPI) Sony Hariyono (sopir yang menabrak ibu guru hingga tewas-red) menilai bahwa dakwaan jaksa tidak jelas, kabur, dan asal-asalan.

"Jaksa tidak bisa mendakwa seseorang di luar wilayah hukumnya. Jika hal itu dilakukan maka dakwaan dianggap batal demi hukum. Oleh karena itu, kami minta terdakwa dibebaskan dari segala dakwaan," kata M Sutopo, kuasa hukum Sony Hariyono dalam sidang lanjutan di Pengadilan Negeri Semarang, Kamis (17/10).

Sidang tersebut merupakan sidang kedua. Belasan anggota FPI tampak mengikuti jalannya sidang dan memberi dukungan terhadap tiga anggotanya yang menjadi terdakwa. Selain Sony, dua orang lainnya adalah Satrio Yuono dan Bayu Agung.

Dua orang itu terbukti membawa senjata tajam ketika melakukan aksi sweeping pada 18 Juli 2013 lalu di Sukorejo, Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah.

Sony adalah sopir Toyota Avanza yang digunakan anggota FPI untuk sweeping. Sony berusaha melarikan diri dari amukan warga Sukorejo yang di-sweeping FPI. Ia mengemudikan mobilnya dengan kencang dan menabrak Ibu Guru Tri Munarti yang sedang diboncengi suaminya Samsu Eko Yulianto. Ibu Guru Sekolah Dasar itu tewas.

Warga Sukorejo pun makin mengamuk. Mereka membakar mobil Avanza itu dan merusak mobil FPI lainnya. Polisi berusaha mencegah amuk massa dengan mengamankan 26 anggota FPI. Dari pengamanan itu, polisi menemukan dua orang anggota FPI membawa senjata tajam.

Menurut Sutopo, dakwaan terhadap Sony kabur karena mencampuradukkan delik yang satu dengan yang lain. Selain itu, tidak disebutkan siapa yang mengadukan kasus tersebut.

Ketua Majelis Hakim Fatchul Barri memutuskan menunda sidang itu dan akan dilanjutkan Kamis pekan depan. Majelis Hakim juga menyidangkan dua anggota FPI lainnya serta empat warga Kendal yang terlibat dalam bentrokan itu. Mereka adalah Agus Riyadi, Edi Bowo Wri Yanto, Paido, dan Godi Kulkarimah. 

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[batavia-news] Mayoritas Warga Aru Tolak Menara Group



Mayoritas Warga Aru Tolak Menara Group

  • Sabtu, Okt 19 2013
  • Ditulis oleh 
  • ukuran huruf perkecil besar tulisan perbesar ukuran huruf
Aru,AE— Kehadiran PT Menara Group di Kepulauan Aru, tetap ditolak mayoritas masyarakat setempat. Berulang kali aksi demo dilakukan di kantor-kantor pemerintah maupun di DPRD Aru. Mereka menolak lahannya di garap untuk kepentingan pemodal perkebunan tebu dan sawit itu.

Tak hanya aksi turun jalan, penolakan juga ditunjukan dengan pemasangan ratusan spanduk di sudut-sudut jalan Kota Dobo sampai ke pelosok-pelosok Aru. "Kami  Masyarakat Kepulauan Aru dari Kodor Juring sampai Toi-Toi menolak PT Menara Group yang akan beroperasi di Bumi  Jargaria/Sarkwarisa," tulis mereka diatas spanduk.

Aksi ini juga dilakukan di semua wilayah yang lahannya masuk garapan PT. Menara Group. Misalnya, salah satu Desa Marafenfen, Kecamatan Aru Selatan. Surat dilayangkan ke pelaksana harian Bupati Aru sebagai bentuk penolakan terhadap penggarapan hak ulayat mereka.

Recky Bothmir warga Marafenfen, yang juga mempunyai petuanan mengatakan menolak beroperasinya PT Menara Group. "Pembongkaran hutan yang nantinya di lakukan oleh perusahaan bukan areal berukuran kecil namun dalam hitungan ratusan hektar," Kata Bothmir.

Menurut dia, areal petuanan Desa Marafenfen yang akan digarap Menara Group memiliki hasil hutan dan satwa yang tergolong  langkah dan mendapatkan perlindungan. Dikhawatirkan pembabatan hutan akan berdampak buruk dengan hilangnya satwa seperti  burung cendrawasih, sarang burung wallet, burung Kakatua Putih, kakatua Merah, Kakatua Ijo, Kakatua Hitam dan hasil hutan yang lain. "Kami khawatir ini berdampak buruk hingga genersai  anak cucu kami kedepan nantinya," tegasnya.

Tokoh Masyarakat Aru Stanislaus Suarlembit mengaku, warga marah terhadap perusahaan itu karena hak-hak ulayat mereka tidak dihargai. Kata dia, kehadiran Menara Group sebagai investor harus sepengetahuan pemerintah daerah, DPRD dan terutama masyarakat pemilik petuanan.

Dijelaskan, sesuai data operasional, perusahaan itu beroperasi dengan 28 anak perusahaan. Mereka akan menggarap 50 ribu hektar lahan dengan dalil perkebunan tebu dan kelapa sawit. Padahal jika dihitung areal operasional perusahaan maka tercatat  hampir terpakai seluruh wilayah daratan Pulau Aru. "Jumlah luas wiayah Aru dari Batu Goyang hampir seluruh Hutannya akan dibabat habis," rincinya.

Aktivis Lingkungan
Sementara itu, kemarin sejumlah aktivis lingkungan yang menamai diri Lembaga Kalesang Lingkungan Maluku (LKLM), melakukan tatap muka dengan Komisi B DPRD Provinsi Maluku membahas kehadiran PT. Menara Group di Kepulauan Aru.

Sebelumnya pertemuan sempat dibatalkan oleh Ketua Komisi B Marcus Pentury melalui SMS. SMS ini membuat ketua LKLM, Costansius Kolatfeka marah besar. Ia sempat mengancam akan membawa masa ke kantor DPRD Provinsi, jika pertemuan tatap muka yang sudah dijadwalkan secara resmi dengan Komisi B dibatalkan hingga Selasa (22/10) mendatang.

Setelah ditemui oleh Sekretaris Komisi B Una Umasugi, perwakilan dari LKLM pun dipersilakan melakukan tatap muka dengan komisi yang menangani bidang Sumber Daya Alam tersebut.

Saat berlangsungnya tatap muka, LKLM menolak kehadiran konsorium PT. Menara Group di Aru. Mereka mendesak pemerintah untuk meninjau kembali seluruh perizinan yang telah dikeluarkan, lantaran bertentangan dengan aturan hukum yang berlaku dan tertera di UU No.32 Tahun 2009 tentang perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. 

"Penggunaan tanah rakyat sebesar 500.000 hektar dari total 632.500 hektar luas wilayah Aru oleh PT. Menara Group dinyatakan akan mengancam alam, lingkungan dan masyarakat Aru. Pembongkaran hutan  yang nantinya dilakukan oleh PT. Menara Group akan merusak satwa, diantaranya burung cendrawasih, sarang burung wallet dan burung kakak tua," ujar Kolatfeka.

Wakil Ketua Komisi B Edwin Adrian Huwae mengatakan apa yang dilakukan Menara Gruop hanya berkedok mengambil usaha perkebunan padahal ini menguras habis hasil hutan yang potensial, yaitu kayu.

"Komisi B sudah melakukan pertemuan dengan dinas terkait dan membahas segala permasalahan di Aru. Sikap kami terhadap persoalan perkebunan tebu di Aru harus ditinjau lagi. Apakah sudah mengakomodir semua persoalan yang berkaitan dengan dampak lingkungan, kelestarian hutan dan satwa yang dilindungi disana. Kalau terjadi, berarti sudah merusak lingkungan kelestarian lingkungan di Aru dan tentunya sangat merugikan daerah," ujarnya.

Dia menambahkan, tujuan pembangunan perkebunan tebu ini harus dicermati secara baik. PT. Menara Group benar-benar ingin membangun perkebunan tebu atau hanya ijin dimintakan untuk menebang pohon saja, setelah itu lari dan tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap pengrusakan hutan. Kemungikan indikasi awal seperti itu.

Lagi pula, tekstur tanah di Aru tidak cocok untuk perkebunan. Wilayah Aru hanya potensial di bidang perikanan, bukan perkebunan, lantaran pulau-pulaunya yang kecil.

Pada Senin (21/10) mendatang, perwakilan dari Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Maluku, Dinas Pertanian Provinsi Maluku beserta para investor akan dilakukan rapat dengar pendapat untuk membahas persoalan Aru. (CR10)

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[batavia-news] Syrian Vice Prime Minister gives interview to Pravda.Ru



Syrian Vice Prime Minister gives interview to Pravda.Ru

Syrian Vice Prime Minister gives interview to Pravda.Ru. 51356.png

- We have a remarkable guest in Pravda.Ru studio today, our Syrian friend, Dr. Qadri Jamil. I am not saying which position our guest is taking, as we are getting back to this question a little later in our discussion. So, good afternoon, your excellency.

-  Good afternoon, so you've given people a hint about my position by this way of addressing me.

- Today, Dr. Qadri is one of the leaders of the Syrian opposition. He is the general secretary of People's Will party and the leader of the Popular Front for Liberation and Change. Last year, after the parliamentary elections, the government addressed to Dr. Qadri with a request to become a member of the government, and entrusted a very responsible post of the vice prime minister to him to curate economic issues. So my first question is - are you a member of the government or of the opposition?

- I am a revolutionary first and foremost. The question of where to be - in the opposition or at power - depends on circumstances and on the correlation of forces, in reality. The current situation in Syria is a very unique one. We, at the Popular Front for Liberation and Change, we urge to create the government of people's unity. That was two years ago, and when we became a part of the government, it became the first large step towards the creation of the mini coalition in the government of people's unity. You know from history that such governments are created during the times of the crises and wars. This idea sprang from the Europeans, but what surprises me now is that the Europeans are surprised to see opposition in the government. We tell them that we learned that from them, and the move was made for the critical times. When the crisis is over, everyone will go back to where they belong. It will happen depending on what elections will say.

- Dr. Qadri, how do you categorize your work in the party, your work in the government and in the people's front, in the parliament. Can we say that 90 percent of your time takes the work in the government?

- No one, either the party or the front will let me spend so much time on the government. In the worst-case scenario, my time is 50x50. Then, we made an important step, studying the experience of the CPSU and the Baath Party, we separated the structure of the government from the structure of the front. We have to be disciplined in the government, but it does not mean that we cannot vote against something, for example, or we cannot have our own opinion. We have no right to agitate, as ministers, against the decisions which the government takes. We can agitate inside government meetings. We can make them vote, have the minority and majority. We have never had that in the history of Syria. This is the first time when it happens ever. We are always in the minority, because there are only two of us, two ministers our of 33 ministers, but we feel that there is a new way opening for the execution of the new article 8 of the Constitution, which is about pluralism in the country and in the society.

- I need to clear something up here, because I know Dr. Qadri not just as a prominent political figure. He is also an outstanding theorist, he is one of the greatest Marxist economists in all Arab countries, not just in Syria. So do you have time for theoretic work?

- You know, what is the difference between theory and practice? Theory is a concentrated expression of practice.

- There's nothing more practical than a good theory. So today, we, in practice, are creating extensive reserves for the development of theory. This time you came to Moscow not as the vice prime minister, but as the leader of the national front for liberation and changes. There were consultations held  in Moscow about the forthcoming conference known as Geneva 2. I do not want to jinx myself, but there were very many attempts made to stop the war and the government has always taken a constructive position. President Assad set forth the plan of stage-by-stage- regulation that started from a national dialogue, then went on to total amnesty and then - to national elections. It has never materialized as of yet. Do you think the international conference in Geneva will take place?

- It should, taking into consideration the following factors. The first one - the USA should adjust itself to the new situation connected with the political, economic and social crisis. Today, the position of the USA could be compared to that of England and France after WWII. They could not adjust themselves to the new situation back then, because they entered the war as the first world force - England and France - and they finished the war as not the first world force at all. It took them a while to realize that, and eleven years passed to the Suez Canal war of 1956. The French and the English had been rejecting the new reality for eleven years. As for the USA, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the creation of the unipolar world, before 2011, for 20 years. They started to doubt their position after the fist veto from Russia and China. So I ask myself, how long will it take the Americans to deny the new facts, as it happened to England and France? According to Marx's theory, history goes with acceleration. If it took England and France 11 years to come to the realization of the new reality, then I thought that with the USA it would take 2-3 years only. Now the Americans have realized that their plans of a military intervention will not work, because new forces have appeared on the international arena. Such plans only lead to negative results, such as the appearance of radical Islamism in Syria. No one knows what can stop these atrocities, this new fascism.

Our viewers wonder if we can draw a parallel between the civil war in Spain in 1936-1939 and the current civil war in Syria?

- Yes, we can and we should. What is happening in the world today looks very much like the situation in Europe in 1932-1939, when fascists came to power. Westerns forces did not show a swift reaction to that. They took their positions against fascism after the civil war in Spain, and they created an alliance with their former ally - the Soviet Union - against the new plague of Nazism. They were very realistic politicians - Roosevelt, Churchill, they came into an alliance with Stalin and won the war. Nowadays, the same thing is happening in the West. New fascism is emerging - radical Islamism. Georgy Dmitrov defined fascism as the most reactionary type of power connected with financial capital. I would add - with criminal capital. Who funds Al-Qaeda? Only criminal capital can. So there is a new process of disassociation of these new powers in the West. It is hard to understand what is happening in the West right now because of this process.

- Our viewers ask questions, although you may find some of them unpleasant, but they want to know how many times one person can become president of Syria under the new constitution.

- Under the new constitution, a person can become president twice - seven years for each term.

- Do you think that the presidential election in Syria will take place in 2014, as scheduled?

- This is a link of the political process. If we want to stop violence, we need to start a political process. The beginning to this process will be given at the Geneva conference, so we are looking forward to it as the conference should dot all I's about the question of military intervention from the outside.

- Another question from the viewers - is power in Syria delegated democratically, or is it hereditary?

- We want to create a new political mechanism in Syria. This can be done, but it is up for the people of Syria to decide. It is only the people of Syria who can define the form and the shape of the new democracy.

If the presidential election in 2014 takes place, do you think the Popular Front for Liberation and Change will nominate its own candidacy for the election?

- Look, Lenin used to say that a political decision should be a certain decision made under certain political circumstances. So you are asking me a virtual question, which is not serious at all. In Russia, presidential candidates are announced two or three months before the election. In Syria, the election is to take place in 9 months. Do you think it is too early to speak about it? This question can harm those, who indeed ponder the idea, so they have the right not to answer.

People are interested about the military situation in Syria. We conduct a poll on the website to find out how the conflict in Syria is going to end and most people think that Bashar al Assad will be able to cope with his enemies. Do you agree with our viewers?

- No, I don't. No one can handle such situations militarily. What is happening in Syria today reflects the balance of forces in the world, both political and military ones. It does not mean that the Syrian army is weak. The country's army is a very strong one. This army has been able to resist intervention attempts from dozens of foreign countries into Syria's foreign affairs. When the correlation of forces in today's world is zero, no one will be able to solve the Syrian issue with the use of force.

- Oleg Fomin, a well-known Russian specialist on Syria, said in this studio the day before that, according to his information, there were over 100,000 foreigners fighting against the republic today. This is not a civil war, this is external intervention. I do not really believe those reports from the military, but they officially say that the Syrian army destroys up to 15,000 foreign military men every month. This is a large number, if you can divide it by two. However, Syrian 18-year-old guys destroy world's best-trained gunmen.

- I've never heard about the number of 100,000 when it comes to foreign gunmen. In Syria, they talk about 20-40 thousand, but it is a lot as well. They are very well-trained indeed, and they have good weapons. This is international fascism that we have in Syria today - fascist gunmen from China to America.

- Here is an economic question. Many people in Russia say that the economic front for Syria is much more important that the military one. The destruction of economy is a much bigger blow, and I am asking this question to you as a person who is in charge of economic issues.

- Politics and economics are two sides of one story, and like Lenin said - politics is concentrated economics. Unfortunately, the government has not been paying much attention to economic factors recently. This issue has surfaced now, and I would say that the economic factor is just as important as the political one. I wouldn't say it is the most important factor. The solution of Syria's political problems is being carried out through political methods only because there is no economic solution for economic problems. The problems of the Western blockade in Syria can not be solved through economic methods. If these problems are eventually solved, then about 75%  of the economic crisis in Syria will be solved.

- The people watching would like to know if there is a point when there are no more terrorists.

- It will happen when all Syrians stand up shoulder to shoulder against foreign mercenaries. This is the only way to destroy them.

- The popular front for change and liberation has two mandates in the government. It is you and Dr. Aliheder. He is the minister for national liberation. Can Dr. Aliheder negotiate with those, whom you refer to as fascist internationalists?

- Why should we conduct negotiations with them? We shouldn't do that. they should be destroyed. One can negotiate with the Syrians, who under the pressure of circumstances were forced to take guns in their hands. Maybe they did that rightfully. The Syrians can unite, and Dr. Aliheder can play a role in that, which he does. Our front, the popular front plays a very important role in the efforts to conduct the dialogue with the gunmen of Syrian descent.

We have people saying that the Geneva-2 conference will only be about talking and nothing more. Many people believe that the conference will not bring any results. What do you think?

- What are the objectives of Geneva-2? I think there are three of them. The first one of them is to stop the military intervention in Syria. The Syrians can not stop this intervention. It is up for international forces to come to some sort of agreement on that. Russia plays a highly important role in stopping the military intervention in Syria. Once the level of violence goes down, it will create conditions to start a political process in the country.

- Do you think that the USA, France, the Persian Gulf countries will be able to make their puppets come to Geneva?

- I think the Americans want to do that because of the crisis that the country has been in recently. They have become more realistic and they know the limit of their forces in the world.

- Does Syria plan to respond to the sanctions from the USA by rejecting the dollar as a means of payment in international commercial relations? To which extent is Syria able to resist to Washington's sanctions economically? Some of these sanctions can be horrible, for example the embargo for the delivery of spare parts for civil Airbus aircraft. It is the people, who suffer from this, not the president.

- The tragedy of all this is that 60-70 percent of Syria's foreign commodity exchange is with the West. This was before the crisis. Changing the course during the crisis is impossible. Production volumes have been going down. But this crisis has convinced us all that we should change our economic relations by switching from the West to the East from the geopolitical point of view. In Syria,  it is believed that the East starts from Russia.

Our viewers say that they believe the Syrian people will cope with the rebels. They ask what will happen to Syria's foreign trade afterwards - gas, oil, weapons, what will be the new preferences for Syria? 

- Well, Syria is a very wealthy country. Gas is one of the basic types of the Syrian national production. We have very good perspectives for the time when the war ends and Syria begins to revive.

Even though you are not particularly willing to discuss economic issues during this visit of your to Russia, but people would like to know if Syria can become a member of the Customs Union between Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

- Syria wants to do that. We have been working in this direction. Documents are ready. We are in talks already with Belarus and Kazakhstan. With Russian partners, the talks have already ended. We want to be in this organization.

To which extent is it profitable for Russian and Syrian economies?

- It is very profitable, it is an economic exchange, a new type of relations globally, where all are equal. This is an equal type of economic relations between countries.

The president of Syria says that he is prepared to ensure guarantees for rebels. The Syrian government tells them to lay down their arms and go agitate in the streets. If you shoot, you will not win people's support. Can you say that Geneva-2 should end positively?

- There's no other way. Everyone is in the dead end. The rebels the international community, the regime, the gunmen - everyone. Because the balance of forces is zero. So the only way out is to find a way to resolve the crisis through a political process. 

- Will Syria lodge claims to Turkey because gunmen relocate Syrian production capacities to Turkey or exchange them to weapons in Turkey?

- This has not been decided yet, but we as a party believe that Turkey should pay compensations for that, like Japan and Germany paid to the Soviet Union after the war. And this is not only Turkey, but all the countries that made chaos happen.

I was personally a witness to that. When I was in Istanbul, I bought some ice cream and it said - Made in Aleppo. What did the Turkish do?

- They conquered the Syrian market, destroyed Syrian industry and agriculture to expand the zone of influence of the Turkish economy, which is now ruled by oligarchs. They are in a big crisis right now. The financial bubble is about to burst in Turkey and I believe that people will take to the streets there soon. This wave that started in Tunisia and in Cairo - no one should believe that it is only for the Arab world.  

In conclusion, I would like to ask the question, which, as I believe, you will try not to answer. Will the name of Qadri Jamil be on the list of presidential candidates in Syria in 2014?

- The list of candidates will contain more than two names. The names will be decided with it is time for that. The decision does not depend on me personally. It depends on my party and my front, so we need to wait and see what is best for the country.

- The CIA says that Bashar Assad will win in the first round, they say he will get 60 percent of votes in a democratic election. Everything can change very quickly. And we can see now the person, a representative of the opposition that wants to put an end to gunfire, violence and murder and this person feels his responsibility for that. We are very thankful to this person for coming to the studio of Pravda.Ru for this interview. Thank you very much for your time.


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