Saturday, May 18, 2013

[batavia-news] Luthfi: Fathanah Pernah Dipenjara di Australia



Luthfi: Fathanah Pernah Dipenjara di Australia

Bukan sekali ini saja Fathanah tersandung saat berbisnis.

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013, 00:08 Arfi Bambani Amri, Dedy Priatmojo
Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq di Pengadilan Tipikor Jakarta
Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq di Pengadilan Tipikor Jakarta (VIVAnews/Muhamad Solihin)
VIVAnews - Mantan Presiden Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq, bicara soal masa lalu sahabatnya, Ahmad Fathanah. Keduanya merupakan tersangka dalam kasus korupsi dan pencucian uang pengurusan kuota impor daging.

Menurut Luthfi, temannya semasa kuliah itu memang dikenal piawai dalam melakukan lobi terkait bisnis. Tak jarang lobi bisnisnya itu pun sampai membawanya kepada persoalan hukum.

"Setahu saya, soal Fathanah ada dua, dia punya masalah tentang human trafficking dan ada masalah dengan teman bisnisnya sampai dia dipenjara," kata Luthfi saat bersaksi di Pengadilan Tipikor, Jakarta, Jumat 17 Mei 2013.

Saat dikonfirmasi oleh kuasa hukum terdakwa, di antara beberapa kasus yang pernah menjerat Fathanah terkait kasus penggelapan uang Rp5 miliar dan dipenjara di Australia, Luthfi tidak membantahnya. "Saya dengar itu," ujar Luthfi.

Fathanah sendiri menyebut profesinya sebagai calo. Selain mengurusi soal kuota impor daging, Fathanah juga pernah terlibat proyek pengadaan benih jagung. Belakangan di sidang, Luthfi menyebut Fathanah juga pernah menggarap proyek di Kementerian Sosial serta Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika yang sama-sama dipimpin kader PKS. (art)

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[media-sumut] Siaran Media: Indofood menggelar "Festival Cita Rasa Pilihan Indonesia” di kota Medan [1 Attachment]

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Siaran Media

Indofood menggelar "Festival Cita Rasa Pilihan Indonesia" di kota Medan

Memadukan festival makanan dengan program donasi untuk peningkatan gizi anak di daerah tertinggal

Medan, 18 Mei 2013 -  Sebagai pintu gerbang Provinsi Sumatera Utara, kota Medan memiliki berbagai macam kekhasan diantaranya sumber daya alam rempah – rempah yang melimpah dan masyarakat multieknik yang menjadikan Medan mempunyai kekayaan kuliner yang luar biasa. Selain berpenampilan unik, aneka hidangan khas tersebut juga memiliki cita rasa nan lezat dan bergizi. Kekuatan cita rasa inilah yang menjadikan suatu makanan dipilih sebagai hidangan favorit oleh masyarakat, bahkan menjadi kuliner andalan kota Medan.  Pesona kuliner itu tak hanya dinikmati oleh masyarakat setempat saja, tetapi juga mengundang selera para pecinta kuliner dari kota-kota lain untuk bertandang ke Medan, sekadar untuk mencicipi aneka hidangan yang mampu menggoyang lidah itu. Tak heran, kini Medan kerap menjadi kota tujuan untuk berwisata kuliner.

Menyadari hal itu, Indofood memilih Medan sebagai persinggahan perdana acara bertajuk "Indofood Festival Cita Rasa Pilihan Indonesia", ajang untuk mempertemukan serta menyatukan sahabat, kerabat dan keluarga melalui kekuatan cita rasa kuliner. Anastasia Sutadji, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk menyatakan bahwa gelaran acara ini sebagai ungkapan rasa terima kasih kepada masyarakat dan para mitra yang selama ini setia menggunakan produk Indofood untuk memberikan cita rasa istimewa pada makanan hasil olahannya. Lewat ajang ini, Indofood juga ingin mengajak masyarakat untuk mengenal dan mencintai aneka-ragam kuliner khas yang lezat. "Kami ingin memperkenalkan kuliner Indonesia yang diolah, diracik dan diramu  oleh pedagang makanan dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan bekualitas. Sehingga selain menghasilkan makanan bercita rasa lezat, juga bergizi," tutur Anastasia.

Anastasia berharap penyelenggaraan "Indofood Festival Cita Rasa Pilihan Indonesia" dapat memberikan pengalaman baru bagi masyarakat. Selain menghadirkan puluhan penjaja makanan pilihan,  juga dihadirkan Galeri Indofood,  dimana masyarakat dapat melihat dan mengenal rangkaian produk Indofood secara langsung. Pengunjung dapat mencicipi langsung produk-produk Indofood serta melihat wall of fame – sebuah perjalanan dari masa ke masa Indofood. Salah satu UKM binaan Indofood menciptakan kreasi berbahan dasar tepung terigu berupa Bolu Pelangi Raksasa berukuran 2 x 2 meter. Juga kreasi cemilan dari produk makanan ringan Indofood. Selain Galeri Indofood, juga terdapat Swalayan Indofood dimana pengunjung dapat membeli produk Indofood.

"Indofood memiliki jangkauan kategori produk yang luas. Mulai dari bahan dasar hingga produk makanan siap santap bagi semua kalangan dan sudah dikenal baik di masyarakat. Diantaranya tepung terigu, minyak goreng, margarin, susu dan produk turunannya, produk makanan ringan, penyedap makanan seperti kecap, saus sambal, aneka bumbu masak, sirup, biskuit, dan mi instan," ujar Anastasia.

Menurut Karls Nayoan Jap, Consumer Activation Manager PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk, Indofood Festival digelar di Lapangan Yon Zipur, Medan, berlangsung selama dua hari, hari Sabtu (18/5) hingga Minggu (19/5). Acara dibuka untuk umum mulai pukul 11.00 WIB hingga 21.00 WIB , dimana para pengunjung dapat masuk secara gratis tanpa perlu beli tiket..

Indofood Festival menampilkan sekitar 40 pedagang makanan baik dari Medan dan sekitarnya maupun perwakilan dari beberapa daerah. Seperti Soto Udang Kesawan, Lontong Sayur Medan, Rujak Cingur dari Jawa Timur, Sate & Kambing Guling Pejompongan Jakarta dan masih banyak lagi. Makanan tersebut merupakan pilihan masyarakat selama bertahun-tahun

Di sela acara pembukaan Indofood Festival, pertunjukan kesenian kontemporer dan marching band ikut meramaikan suasana, dan Indofood mengajak masyarakat untuk bersama-sama memanggang aneka makanan. "Indofood Festival sebagai tempat berkumpulnya keluarga, sahabat dan kerabat sambil menikmati sajian istimewa hasil olahan pedagang makanan. Selain itu, selama dua hari pengunjung dapat menikmati permainan menarik, menikmati hiburan musik yang menampilkan artis Ibukota seperti Cakra Khan, Ari Lasso dan Regina Idol, serta tarian kontemporer dan banyak lagi.  Anak-anak juga dapat bermain aneka permainan seperti ayunan, basket mini, mobil-mobilan dan sejenisnya," jelas Karls.

Yang juga menarik dari gelaran Indofood Festival kali ini, Indofood mengajak masyarakat untuk berperan dalam membangun generasi bangsa yang berkualitas dengan memberikan donasi untuk program perbaikan gizi di Nusa Tenggara Timur hasil kerjasama Indofood dengan World Food Program (WFP).  Program ini berupa penyediaan makanan yang tepat untuk memenuhi gizi yang diperlukan terutama pada periode emas yakni seribu hari pertama kehidupan, mulai masa kehamilan hingga anak berusia 2 tahun.

Mekanismenya, setiap pengunjung yang berbelanja Rp 20.000 akan mendapatkan token merah dan biru. Token merah adalah token yang dapat digunakan pengunjung untuk mengikuti berbagai permainan di areal Indofood Festival. Token biru yang bertuliskan masa depan yang lebih baik adalah token yang dapat didonasikan ke program CSR. Seluruh hasil donasi baik di Medan maupun Jakarta akan diberikan ke WFP untuk mendukung program tersebut.

Program CSR lain yang ditampilkan di Indofood Festival adalah program Pojok Selera yakni progam pelatihan wirausaha bagi masyarakat yang berada di sekitar perkebunan, pabrik maupun kantor cabang Indofood. Melalui pelatihan tersebut diharapkan dapat menciptakan enterpreneur-enterpreneur baru khususnya di bidang usaha makanan. Salah satu UKM Pojok Selera yang tampil di acara ini adalah kelompok dari wilayah Langkat Sumatera Utara. Mereka akan menampilkan  aneka kreasi makanan seperti donat, brownies, bolu gulung, kue-kue kering yang semua bahannya menggunakan produk Indofood. Mereka juga akan melakukan demo-demo pembuatan roti yang mudah untuk diaplikasikan oleh pengunjung. Program-program tersebut merupakan perwujudan pilar program Corporate Social responsibility Indofood yakni building human capital, strengthening economic value dan outreaching to the community.

Tentang PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk

PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk ("Indofood") (BEI: INDF) adalah perusahaan Total Food Solutions terkemuka dengan kegiatan operasi yang mencakup seluruh tahapan proses produksi makanan, mulai dari produksi dan pengolahan bahan baku hingga menjadi produk akhir yang tersedia di pasar

Indofood mengoperasikan empat Kelompok Usaha Strategis (Grup) yang saling melengkapi:
•    Produk Konsumen Bermerek ("CBP"): Kegiatan usahanya dilaksanakan oleh PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk ("ICBP") yang sahamnya tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia ("BEI") sejak 7 Oktober 2010. ICBP merupakan salah satu produsen makanan dalam kemasan yang terkemuka di Indonesia yang memiliki berbagai jenis produk makanan dalam kemasan. Berbagai merek ICBP merupakan merek-merek yang terkemuka dan dikenal di Indonesia untuk makanan dalam kemasan.
•    Bogasari: memiliki kegiatan usaha utama memproduksi tepung terigu dan pasta. Kegiatan usaha grup ini didukung oleh unit perkapalan dan kemasan.
•    Agribisnis: Kegiatan operasional di bidang agribisnis dijalankan oleh PT Salim Ivomas Pratama, dan PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk yang sahamnya tercatat di BEI, serta merupakan anak perusahaan Indofood Agri Resources Ltd, yang sahamnya tercatat di Bursa Efek Singapura. Kegiatan usaha utama grup ini meliputi penelitian dan pengembangan, pembibitan , pemuliaan, dan pengolahan kelapa sawit hingga produksi dan pemasaran minyak goreng, margarin dan shortening bermerek. Di samping itu, kegiatan usaha grup ini juga mencakup pemuliaan dan pengolahan karet, tebu serta tanaman lainnya..
•    Distribusi: Memiliki jaringan distribusi yang paling luas di Indonesia. Grup ini mendistribusikan hampir seluruh produk konsumen
Indofood dan anak-anak perusahaannya serta berbagai produk pihak ketiga.

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Stefanus Indrayana
GM Corporate Communication Division
Telp : 021-5795 8822
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Friday, May 17, 2013

[batavia-news] Bombs at 2 mosques in northwest Pakistan kill 15, wound at least 70


Reuters  video  click  link:

Bombs at 2 mosques in northwest Pakistan kill 15, wound at least 70

  • Pakistan_may17.JPG

    May 17, 2013 - A Pakistani man injured in a bomb blast in a mosque in the Malakand district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, is brought to a hospital in Peshawar, Pakistan. (AP)

Bombs that exploded outside two mosques in a village in northwestern Pakistan killed at least 15 people Friday, underlining the challenge of militant violence facing a new government set to take power under the leadership of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

The blasts at the two Sunni Muslim mosques also wounded 70 people, said tribal police officer Mohammad Jamil Khan. Both of the mosques were badly damaged, and the roof of one of them collapsed. The mosques were located in Baz Darrah village in the Malakand district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, said another tribal police officer, Badshah Rehman.

Shahid Ali, who was in the first mosque that was attacked, said the explosion came just as worshippers were starting Friday prayers.

"I rushed out with others and saw several people bleeding and crying," Ali told The Associated Press by telephone. "There was dust and smoke around."

Ali rushed to the second mosque after it was attacked and saw that its roof had caved in and it was on fire.

"Many people are buried under the rubble," he said.

Rescue workers were trying to retrieve the dead and wounded from the debris, Rehman said.

Ameer Wahab, an injured college student at a hospital, said he was among more than 100 people inside the main hall of the mosque where the Imam (prayer leader) had just finished the Friday sermon when a deafening bang was heard from the veranda of the mosque.

"I don't know how I managed to get out of that hell. There was fire and debris, my feet, my face was burning and something hit me at arm," Wahab told The Associated Press.

Dr. Zardost Khan at Dargai Hospital, where Wahab was admitted, said 35 injured and one dead were brought to his hospital while many more injured and dead were taken to other hospitals in surrounding areas.

No one has claimed responsibility for the blasts, but suspicion will likely fall on the Pakistani Taliban.

The Sunni militant group has been waging a bloody insurgency against the government for years that has killed thousands of civilians and security personnel. The militants have attacked Sunni mosques in the past, perhaps because the worshippers did not follow their extremist brand of Islam.

The Pakistani army has mounted multiple operations against the militants in the northwest, but they have proven resilient and continue to carry out near-daily attacks.

The Taliban recently launched a series of attacks in the run-up to national elections on May 11 in an attempt to derail the vote. Pakistanis defied the militant group by coming out in large numbers to cast their ballots.

Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League-N Party was the big winner in the election and appears set to form the next government. The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Party, led by former cricket star Imran Khan, is expected to form the provincial government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Both politicians have called for negotiations with the Taliban, and Khan has even said that Pakistani troops should stop battling the militants and pull out of areas of the northwest. Now he faces the task of applying his election platform to the challenges of governing one of Pakistan's most violent areas.

Sharif's government will also seek to turn around Pakistan's economy, which is hampered by power outages that last up to 18 hours a day in some parts of the country.

Pakistan has turned to neighboring Iran to help deal with the crisis. On Friday, a spokesman for Pakistan's Ministry of Commerce said that Iran is providing electricity to several towns and villages in southwest Baluchistan province at cost of around $3 million a month.

Paying for the electricity is complicated by U.S. sanctions preventing financial transactions with many Iranian banks because of the country's suspect nuclear program, said Mohammad Ashraf. Therefore, Pakistan plans to pay for the electricity by exporting wheat to Iran.

"This food supply doesn't come under international sanctions Iran is facing," Ashraf said.

Iran sent Pakistan a bill for $53 million for electricity supplied up to mid-February, said Ashraf. Pakistan plans to pay by sending Iran 1 million tons of wheat. The Pakistani government on Thursday approved sending 100,000 tons of wheat as the first installment. The first ship carrying about 30,000 tons is expected to sail to Iran sometime next week, Ashraf said.

Pakistan also has plans to build a pipeline to import natural gas from Iran, despite the threat of U.S. sanctions.

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[batavia-news] Forgotten Bird of Paradise


Documentary film

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[media-jabar] Need info Iklan

Saat ini kami mencari media majalah khusus penerbangan (inflight)barangkali ada temen media tau perusahaan penerbngan apa saja yg ada majalahnya slain Garuda & Lion.
Mohon info nya tuk perusahaan iklan perusahaan klien kami.
Kami tunggu info temen~temen media ya.

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[batavia-news] Indonesia steps up killing of death row prisoners



Indonesia steps up killing of death row prisoners

Date May 18, 2013

For almost five years Indonesia did not execute a prisoner on death row. But since a Malawian drug smuggler broke that drought on March 15, the floodgates have opened. In the early hours of Friday, three people - all Indonesians and all murderers - were removed from their cells and shot.

The news will cause further dismay to Australian drug smugglers Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan, who are on death row in Kerobokan prison. They lodged applications for clemency nine months ago with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Friday's executions took place about 12.30am in the grounds of Nusakambangan island prison in Cilacap, Central Java, reporters said.

The prosecutor's office did not immediately confirm them, but ambulances were seen leaving the prison about 2am.

Those put to death were Suryadi Swabuana, Jurit bin Abdullah and Ibrahim bin Ujang. Suryadi was convicted of the premeditated murder of a family in Sumatra in 1991; Jurit and Ibrahim of a joint murder in Sekayu, South Sumatra, in 2003.

There are about 130 prisoners on death row in Indonesia, most for drug trafficking. Among the drug smugglers are 62 foreigners.

In March, after Malawian drug trafficker Adami Wilson was executed, the Attorney-General announced plans to execute at least nine people this year.

The Australian prisoners are unlikely to be among them as long as their clemency pleas remain undecided.

Human rights activist Al Araf said the executions ''cannot be separated from the 2014 elections''.

''The death penalty in Indonesia has a strong flavour of building political popularity,'' Mr Araf, from the human rights group Imparsial, said.

Amnesty International said the executions were ''a major setback … in a country that appeared to be moving away from the brutal practice''.

Spokesman Michael Hayworth called on the Australian government to ''immediately and unabashedly condemn the execution''.

''Just last week the Australian government restated its opposition to the death penalty. It is now time for the government to use its leadership role in the region to curb the practice of state-sanctioned killing,'' he said.

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[batavia-news] Pope blames tyranny of capitalism for making people miserable (RALAT)


R a l a t
Ref: Apakah Paus pernah membaca  Das Kapital yang ditulis oleh Karl Marx?

Pope blames tyranny of capitalism for making people miserable

Date May 18, 2013

Nick Squires

Pope Francis holds a dove

Gift of flight: Pope Francis frees a dove at the Vatican. Photo: Reuters

Rome: Pope Francis has attacked the ''dictatorship'' of the global financial system and warned that the ''cult of money'' is making life a misery for millions.

He said free market capitalism had created a ''tyranny'' and that people were being judged purely by their ability to consume goods.

Money should be made to ''serve'' people, not to ''rule'' them, he said on Thursday, calling for a more ethical banking system and curbs on financial speculation. Countries should impose more control over their economies and not allow ''absolute autonomy'', in order to provide ''for the common good''.

The gap between rich and poor was growing and the ''joy of life'' was diminishing in many developed countries, the Pope said. ''While the income of a minority is increasing exponentially, that of the majority is crumbling,'' said the pontiff who, as archbishop of Buenos Aires, visited slums, opted to lived in a modest flat rather than an opulent church residence and went to work by bus. In poorer countries, people's lives were becoming ''undignified'' and marked by violence and desperation, he said.

The Pope, who was elected two months ago, made the remarks in his first substantial speech on finance and the economy, during an address to foreign ambassadors in the Vatican. It underlined his reputation for showing deep concern for the plight of the poor and vulnerable.

''The worship of the golden calf of old has found a new and heartless image in the cult of money and the dictatorship of an economy which is faceless and lacking any truly human goal,'' he told the ambassadors.

As the Catholic leader in Argentina, he often spoke out about the plight of the poor during the country's economic crisis. Unchecked capitalism had created ''a new, invisible, and at times virtual, tyranny'', he said.

''The Pope loves everyone, rich and poor alike, but the Pope has the duty, in Christ's name, to remind the rich to help the poor, to respect them, to promote them,'' he said.

Pope Francis will make the first foreign trip of his papacy to Brazil in July. He will visit a Rio de Janeiro slum, meet young prison inmates and attend World Youth Day, a week-long event expected to attract more than 2 million people.

Telegraph, London

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[batavia-news] Pope blames tyranny of capitalism for making people miserable


Ref: Apakah Paus pernah membaca Das Kapital?

Pope blames tyranny of capitalism for making people miserable

Date May 18, 2013

Nick Squires

Pope Francis holds a dove

Gift of flight: Pope Francis frees a dove at the Vatican. Photo: Reuters

Rome: Pope Francis has attacked the ''dictatorship'' of the global financial system and warned that the ''cult of money'' is making life a misery for millions.

He said free market capitalism had created a ''tyranny'' and that people were being judged purely by their ability to consume goods.

Money should be made to ''serve'' people, not to ''rule'' them, he said on Thursday, calling for a more ethical banking system and curbs on financial speculation. Countries should impose more control over their economies and not allow ''absolute autonomy'', in order to provide ''for the common good''.

The gap between rich and poor was growing and the ''joy of life'' was diminishing in many developed countries, the Pope said. ''While the income of a minority is increasing exponentially, that of the majority is crumbling,'' said the pontiff who, as archbishop of Buenos Aires, visited slums, opted to lived in a modest flat rather than an opulent church residence and went to work by bus. In poorer countries, people's lives were becoming ''undignified'' and marked by violence and desperation, he said.

The Pope, who was elected two months ago, made the remarks in his first substantial speech on finance and the economy, during an address to foreign ambassadors in the Vatican. It underlined his reputation for showing deep concern for the plight of the poor and vulnerable.

''The worship of the golden calf of old has found a new and heartless image in the cult of money and the dictatorship of an economy which is faceless and lacking any truly human goal,'' he told the ambassadors.

As the Catholic leader in Argentina, he often spoke out about the plight of the poor during the country's economic crisis. Unchecked capitalism had created ''a new, invisible, and at times virtual, tyranny'', he said.

''The Pope loves everyone, rich and poor alike, but the Pope has the duty, in Christ's name, to remind the rich to help the poor, to respect them, to promote them,'' he said.

Pope Francis will make the first foreign trip of his papacy to Brazil in July. He will visit a Rio de Janeiro slum, meet young prison inmates and attend World Youth Day, a week-long event expected to attract more than 2 million people.

Telegraph, London

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[batavia-news] Mob Attacks Ahmadiyah Mosque in East Java



Mob Attacks Ahmadiyah Mosque in East Java

A mob of more than 100 people damaged an Ahmadiyah mosque in Tulungagung, East Java, on Thursday night.

Baitul Salam mosque, located in Gempolan village, Tulungagung, had its windows and entrance door destroyed after the mob, which consisted of youths from Gempolan village and neighboring areas, threw stones at it at 9:30 p.m.

"It was spontaneous, the mosque was destroyed by young people," said Sarijan, a local resident whose house is near the mosque, on Friday, as quoted by Tempo.

Sarijan said that while three people — mosque attendant Japar, Ahmadiyah member Edi Susanto and Ahmadiyah preacher Rizal Fazli — were inside the mosque ahead of the attack, no one was killed.

Three hours before the attack, Imam Muslim, the local Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) head, and police met with the trio to request that they shut down the mosque and stop spreading Ahmadiyah teachings. They also demanded Rizal leave the village immediately.

Edi and Rizal had been taken out of the mosque by the police before the attack, but Japar insisted on staying inside to close the doors and turn off the lights. He did not leave the mosque, which was built on land donated by his family, until the mob started to stone it. Imam evacuated him out of the mosque when the attack began.

"We have tried to mediate [conflict between congregations and residents], but Japar said that he was not the one responsible when residents asked him to knock down the mosque," Imam said, as quoted by Antara news agency.

Sarijan said that local residents had long opposed the mosque and recently requested that worshippers shut it down.

Some police officers and soldiers are still securing the mosque. Japar and Edi have left their homes and Rizal has fled the village.

Tulungagung Police chief of detectives Adj. Comr. Lahuri said that he did not know about the incident.

"I don't know, no report was filed to the police. Probably it was only small incident," Lahuri said, as quoted by Okezone.

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[batavia-news] Scores killed in attacks on Iraqi Sunnis



Scores killed in attacks on Iraqi Sunnis

At least 72 dead and many wounded in bombings in several cities, including Baghdad, amid fears of more sectarian strife.

Last Modified: 17 May 2013 20:03
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Television footage from Baquba showed dead bodies and pools of blood on the ground [AP]

At least 76 people have been killed in bombings in majority Sunni districts in Baghdad and surrounding areas in the deadliest day in Iraq in more than eight months have officials said.

The spike in violence has raised fears the country could be on the path to a new round of sectarian bloodshed.

Friday's attacks pushed the three-day Iraqi death toll to 130, including Shias at bus stops and outdoor markets in scenes reminiscent of the retaliatory attacks between the two Islamic branches in 2006-2007 that claimed tens of thousands of lives.

In the deadliest attack on Friday, twin bombings near a Sunni mosque in Baquba, north of Baghdad, killed 41 people and injured dozens.

One bomb exploded as worshippers were departing the Saria mosque while a second went off after people gathered at the scene of the first blast, police said.

Television aired footage of bodies on the ground outside the mosque, pools of blood and the scattered shoes of the victims.

"I was about 30 metres from the first explosion. When the first exploded, I ran to help them, and the second one went off. I saw bodies flying and I had shrapnel in my neck," said Hashim Munjiz, a college student, at the site.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Baghdad bombings

In Baghdad, a bomb exploded near a shopping centre during evening rush hour in the mainly Sunni neighbourhood of Amariyah, killing at least 12 people and wounding 32.

That was followed by another bomb in a commercial district in Dora, another Sunni neighbourhood, which killed two people and wounded 22, according to officials.

In another attack, a roadside bomb exploded during a Sunni funeral procession in Madain, south of Baghdad, killing eight
mourners and wounding 11, police said.

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An explosion also struck a cafe in Fallujah, 65km west of Baghdad, killing two people and wounding nine, according to police and hospital officials.

A day earlier, attacks targeted Shias in several locations.

Al Jazeera's Omar Al Saleh, reporting from Erbil, said the sectarian nature of recent attacks were worrying Iraqis.

"You have attacks on Shia worshippers, you have attacks on Sunni worshippers. It appears that whoever is behind those attacks wants to ignite sectarian strife," he said.

"It's an indication that security conditions are really going downhill in this country. There is a huge and growing sense of fear among Iraqis."

Tensions have been intensifying since Sunnis began protesting against what they say is mistreatment at the hands of the mainly Shia-led government, including random detentions and neglect.

The protests, which began in December, have largely been peaceful, but the number of attacks rose sharply after a deadly security crackdown on a Sunni protest camp in the country's north on April 23.

A suicide bomber on Thursday killed 12 people at the entrance of Al-Zahraa Husseiniyah, a Shia place of worship in the city of Kirkuk, where relatives of victims from violence on Wednesday were receiving condolences.

Car bombs also hit three Shia-majority areas of Baghdad on Thursday, killing 10 people.

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