Saturday, July 6, 2013

[batavia-news] Re: [GELORA45] Aktivis Feminis Telanjang Dada Protes Masjid Stockholm



Freedom under grave threat

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(JP/Jerry Adiguna)
(JP/Jerry Adiguna)
    Semoga gambar ini memuaskan dan saya dibebaskan dari tuntutan pelanggaran hukum:

Freedom under grave threat

Paper Edition | Page: 1

(JP/Jerry Adiguna)
(JP/Jerry Adiguna)

Freedom under grave threat

Paper Edition | Page: 1

(JP/Jerry Adiguna)
(JP/Jerry Adiguna)
From: iwamardi
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [GELORA45] Aktivis Feminis Telanjang Dada Protes Masjid Stockholm

Guten Morgen Bung Sunny !
Mengabarkan sesuatu dengan penyensuran bagian2 yang amat  penting hanya demi kepentingan pribadi adalah pelanggaran  hukum yang ada !

Kurang banyak bukti2 fotonya !
Jadi, apakah kabar yang Bung kutip ini :
"Tiga aktivis feminis dari kelompok radikal, Femen melakukan demonstrasi telanjang dada (topless) di dalam masjid Stockholm, Swedia, Sabtu (29/6) waktu setempat. Ketiganya diusir polisi karena aksinya tersebut."
bisa disinyalir sebagai kabar burung bin kabar bohong ???

From: Sunny <>
Sent: Saturday, July 6, 2013 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: [GELORA45] Aktivis Feminis Telanjang Dada Protes Masjid Stockholm

Bung Iwa,
Gute morgen!
Saya baru tahu berita ini dari koran Republika,  koran orang-orang suci seperti saya, jadi tidak memuat gambar-gambar yang  mengganggu iman. Sebagai substitusi Bung lihat saja gambar di koran Turki  yang membuat protes Femen terhadap pemerintah  Erdogan, mungkin lebih menari,k click situs:
From: iwamardi
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: [GELORA45] Aktivis Feminis Telanjang Dada Protes Masjid Stockholm
Mana fotonya?

From: Sunny <>
To: Undisclosed-Recipient
Sent: Friday, July 5, 2013 11:15 PM
Subject: [GELORA45] Aktivis Feminis Telanjang Dada Protes Masjid Stockholm


Aktivis Feminis Telanjang Dada Protes Masjid Stockholm

Sunday, 30 June 2013, 10:43 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, STOCKHOLM -- Tiga aktivis feminis dari kelompok radikal, Femen melakukan demonstrasi telanjang dada (topless) di dalam masjid Stockholm, Swedia, Sabtu (29/6) waktu setempat. Ketiganya diusir polisi karena aksinya tersebut.

Wanita tersebut masuk ke masjid dan membuka jubah hitam. Mereka menampilkan dada telanjang dengan slogan-slogan seperti "Tidak Ada Syariah di Mesir dan Dunia". Wanita itu juga berteriak "Bebaskan Wanita", "Tidak Ada Syariah", dan "Tidak Ada Penindasan".

Al-Arabiya melaporkan masjid itu sebagian besar kosong dari penjaga. Beberapa wartawan telah mengetahui protes tersebut direncanakan.

Penjaga masjid menelepon polisi atas kejadian tersebut. Para wanita tidak menjelaskan mengapa mereka memprotes dalam sebuah masjid yang kosong.  "Mereka diduga melakukan ketidakdisplinan dan penyalahgunaan," ujar komandan polisi Jonas Svalin.

Para wanita itu dilaporkan berasal dari Mesir, Tunisia, dan Swedia. Namun, polisi belum bisa memastikan identitas atau kewarganegaraan mereka.

Didirikan pada 2008 di Ukraina, Femen mendeklarasikan diri sebagai kelompok feminis radikal. Mereka dikenal kerap melakukan demontrasi dengan telanjang dada. Mereka memprotes eksploitasi seksual terhadap perempuan, seksisme, dan lembaga keagamaan.

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Friday, July 5, 2013

[batavia-news] Aktivis Feminis Telanjang Dada Protes Masjid Stockholm



Aktivis Feminis Telanjang Dada Protes Masjid Stockholm

Sunday, 30 June 2013, 10:43 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, STOCKHOLM -- Tiga aktivis feminis dari kelompok radikal, Femen melakukan demonstrasi telanjang dada (topless) di dalam masjid Stockholm, Swedia, Sabtu (29/6) waktu setempat. Ketiganya diusir polisi karena aksinya tersebut.

Wanita tersebut masuk ke masjid dan membuka jubah hitam. Mereka menampilkan dada telanjang dengan slogan-slogan seperti "Tidak Ada Syariah di Mesir dan Dunia". Wanita itu juga berteriak "Bebaskan Wanita", "Tidak Ada Syariah", dan "Tidak Ada Penindasan".

Al-Arabiya melaporkan masjid itu sebagian besar kosong dari penjaga. Beberapa wartawan telah mengetahui protes tersebut direncanakan.

Penjaga masjid menelepon polisi atas kejadian tersebut. Para wanita tidak menjelaskan mengapa mereka memprotes dalam sebuah masjid yang kosong.  "Mereka diduga melakukan ketidakdisplinan dan penyalahgunaan," ujar komandan polisi Jonas Svalin.

Para wanita itu dilaporkan berasal dari Mesir, Tunisia, dan Swedia. Namun, polisi belum bisa memastikan identitas atau kewarganegaraan mereka.

Didirikan pada 2008 di Ukraina, Femen mendeklarasikan diri sebagai kelompok feminis radikal. Mereka dikenal kerap melakukan demontrasi dengan telanjang dada. Mereka memprotes eksploitasi seksual terhadap perempuan, seksisme, dan lembaga keagamaan.

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[batavia-news] Konvensi Demokrat Ibarat Sandiwara'



Konvensi Demokrat Ibarat Sandiwara'

Friday, 05 July 2013, 23:49 WIB
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Republika/ Yasin Habibi
Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono membuka Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (Rakornas) di Jakarta, Sabtu (29/6).
Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono membuka Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (Rakornas) di Jakarta, Sabtu (29/6).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Pakar komuniksi politik, Tjipta Lesmana menilai, Konvensi Partai Demokrat (PD) yang akan diselenggarakan ibarat 'sandiwara'. Sebab, capres Pemilu Presiden 2014 dari partai berkuasa itu sudah mengerucut kepada dua figur.

"Konvensi PD itu ibarat sandiwara untuk menunjuk calon presiden mereka yang akan maju pada pilpres mendatang. Keputusan akan sangat ditentukan oleh Ketua Umum PD Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono," kata Tjipta Lesmana saat menjadi pembicara acara peluncuran 'Anatomi Kepresidenan RI I-VII' di Perpustakaan Umum Daerah DKI Jakarta, kawasan Rasuna Said, Jakarta, Jumat (5/7).

Ia menyebutkan, dua figur itu adalah Menteri Perdagangan Gita Wirjawan dan Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat Pramono Edhie Wibowo. Menurutnya, Gita memiliki keahlian merujuk pada tugasnya sebagai Mendag RI yang dinilai berhasil.

"Di samping itu, dia memiliki daya tarik dengan yang bisa merebut simpati publik dengan keahlian memainkan piano. Gita memiliki jiwa seni yang tinggi," tuturnya.

Sementara mantan KSAD Pramono Edhie, masih menurut Tjipta, memiliki kedekatan dengan Ketua Umum PD SBY. Meski sebelumnya, Demokrat membantah masuknya Pramono Edhie ke jajaran petinggi partai lantaran faktor kedekatan keluarga.

Namun, Tjipta memberikan kritik atas dua figur tersebut. "Gita sempat studi di AS selama sekitar 10 tahun hingga Bahasa Inggrisnya bagus sekali. Tapi saya menilai jika Gita sampai jadi Presiden RI berikutnya (pengganti SBY) maka Jakarta akan condong ke Washington," ujarnya menganalisa.

Di lain pihak, Pramono Edhie dianggapnya kurang memiliki rekam jejak baik atau menorehkan prestasi mentereng di Indonesia. Terutama dalam kesehariannya sebagai figur Angkatan Darat.

"Prestasi Pramono saya pikir tidak sebaik Gita merujuk pada tugasnya masing-masing. Dengan kata lain, apabila maju sebagai capres, maka Gita yang lebih menjual (elektabilitas tinggi)," katanya.

Redaktur : Karta Raharja Ucu
Sumber : Antara

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[batavia-news] Harga Ayam Makin Mahal, Berapa Sekarang?



Harga Ayam Makin Mahal, Berapa Sekarang?

Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013, 02:09 WIB
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Ayam potong yang dijual di pasar (ilustrasi).
Ayam potong yang dijual di pasar (ilustrasi).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALEMBANG---Harga ayam potong di Kota Palembang mencapai Rp 40.000 per kilogram, atau semakin mahal dibandingkan biasanya hanya kisaran Rp 22.000 per kilogram, karena dampak dari tingginya biaya transportasi.

Sementara, pasokan ayam potong sebanyak 35.000 ekor per hari mayoritas didatangkan dari kabupaten di Sumatera Selatan, sehingga ketika terjadi kenaikan biaya transportasi berpengaruh langsung pada harga makanan sumber protein hewani itu, kata Kepala Dinas Pertanian Perikanan dan Kehutanan Palembang, Sudirman Tegoeh.

Menurut dia, dari sebanyak 35.000 ekor ayam per hari hanya 30 persen berasal dari peternakan warga Kota Palembang. Sedangkan 65 persen pasokan ayam berasal dari Kabupaten Banyuasin, Ogan Ilir dan Ogan Komering Ulu Timur.

Ia mengatakan, akibat naiknya biaya transportasi tersebut kini harga ayam di pasar-pasar tradisional Palembang mencapai Rp 40.000 per kilogram. Namun, pihaknya memastikan sampai kini stok ayam potong di Kota Palembang masih cukup meskipun harga tinggi.

Sementara itu, kebutuhan telur ayam warga Kota Palembang mencapai 39 ton per hari dengan pasokan dominan dari peternakan ayam petelur di Kota Palembang yang mencapai 60 persen. Dia menjelaskan, kenaikan harga telur ayam bukan hanya dipicu karena bertambahnya biaya transportasi, tetapi juga akibat dari mahalnya pakan ternak. Kenaikan pakan ternak tersebut tentu berdampak pada tingginya biaya produksi peternak di daerah itu.

Redaktur : Endah Hapsari
Sumber : Antara
Orang yang berpuasa akan menikmati dua kebahagiaan: bila ia berbuka puasa ia berbahagia, dan bila kelak ia berjumpa dengan Tuhan-nya iapun kembali berbahagia dengan puasanya.(Muttafaqun 'alaih)


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[batavia-news] Femen protest

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[batavia-news] Libyan unrest moves west


03-07-2013 07:30PM ET

Libyan unrest moves west

As gun battles rage between rival militias in the Libyan capital and other cities, observers fear a slide into civil war, writes Kamel Abdallah in Tripoli

Libyan unrest moves west
People gather around the wreckage of a car after an explosion in Benghazi June 26, 2013, (photo: Reuters)

As though infected by the plague of armed violence that has plagued Benghazi for many weeks, a wave of fierce skirmishes between rival militias erupted in the Libyan capital on 25 June between the Islamist-oriented militia of Al-Ghani Al-Kakoli, based in the Abu Salim district in southern Tripoli, and members of the Al-Qaaqaa Brigade based in Zintan.

One of the largest cities in northwestern Libya, Zintan is situated roughly 130km southwest of Tripoli in what the Libyan Amazigh call the Nafusa Mountains.

Abu Salim, or Bu Slim as it is pronounced locally, is the largest district in the Libyan capital and home to the notorious Abu Salim prison, reputedly the worst prison in Libyan history.

The prison was the scene of a major massacre of Islamist detainees that took place in 1996. Security forces in the prison "executed" more than 1,250 detainees, whose bodies were initially interred in mass graves inside the prison compound. Subsequently, the stench of rotting corpses made it clear that they had not been buried properly and they were exhumed and reburied outside the prison complex.

This latest round of warring between militias occurred in the context of the grey area where tribal interests and affiliations variously intersect or clash with political interests and affiliations, in this case the latter.

Libyan sources told Al-Ahram Weekly that the battle between the Al-Kakoli and Al-Qaaqaa Brigades was triggered by an order issued by Salah Al-Birki, chief of the oil installation security guards, to a militia member to the effect that the Al-Tabu tribes should escort a team of Spanish oil workers to the Al-Fil oil fields.

These fields are guarded by militias from Zintan, and the latter objected to the order, regarding it as tantamount to a declaration of war on the part of Al-Birki.

The Al-Fil oil fields, located in the southeast of the country near the city of Obari, are one of Libya's most important. With a capacity of 130,000 barrels a day, the fields are jointly operated by the Libyan Malita Oil and Gas Company and the Italian Eni Company, which is one of the largest investors in the Libyan oil and gas sector.

Production at Al-Fil ground to a halt on the Tuesday before last, when oil workers went on strike to demand a pay hike and the abolition of a tax on salaries that had been levied under the previous regime. The conflict involving the militia that guards the fields added to the causes of the prolonged halt in production.

Salah Al-Birki is a former jihadist who was in prison until the 17 February uprising against the regime led by former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, during which he was a commander of an anti-regime militia. Under the transitional government that came to power following Gaddafi's fall, Al-Birki succeeded in obtaining an official appointment as head of the oil facility guards in the region.

Libyans in Bu Slim describe Al-Kakoli as being the de facto ruler of the district, and according to those interviewed by the Weekly Al-Kakoli takes orders directly from Al-Birki. Al-Kakoli was also a jihadist under the former Gaddafi regime. The two men are among the many militia leaders who have capitalised on the 17 February Revolution in order to assert their control over various security agencies in Libya.

Members of the Al-Qaaqaa militia accuse Al-Kakoli and Al-Birki of fabricating crises in order to drive them out of the capital. Fierce gun battles have been raging in Tripoli between rival militias bent on securing territory and eventually monopolising control. The Al-Qaaqaa militia members have charged that the Al-Kakoli and Al-Birki-led militias of killing civilians and torturing captives.

People interviewed in Zintan told the Weekly that members of the Libyan General National Congress (GNC) were aware of the warfare between the various militias in Benghazi and Tripoli. As one person put it, "they know it's a volcano spewing fire before it erupts," the implication being that Libya is on the verge of plunging into a full-scale civil war along tribal lines.

A closer look at the fighting that has been taking place in Benghazi and Tripoli over the past weeks supports this assessment. The battles that flared outside the Libya Shield Camp in Benghazi's Koweifiya district at the beginning of June were initiated by a group that rejects the current command structure of the Libya Shield because most of its commanders come from or have their roots in Misrata in western Libya.

Easterners, from whom a good many police and army officials have been drawn, have been incensed at what they have interpreted as deliberate slights, if not attempts on the part of the west to dominate the east, as was the case under the previous regime.

It appears that people in Zintan share similar sentiments. "The designs that the Islamist leaders of the militias in the capital are harbouring towards Zintan do not bode well," said one source. "Although the Zintan brigades have shown only the best intentions towards Libya and toward those leaders, the Islamist militia leaders are apparently bent on evil."

During the revolution, the Zintan militia, which was also fighting the Gaddafi regime, seized control of what was formerly the Mitiga International Airport which once served as the largest US military base in the region. After the fall of Gaddafi, the militia officially handed over control of the airport to the interim government headed by Abdel-Rahim Al-Kib.

However, an Islamist militia under the command of Abdel-Raouf Kara subsequently seized control of the militia. Kara is closely connected with the jihadists and the Libyan chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood, and there have been substantiated reports that the Islamist militias have turned the airbase into their version of Guantanamo Bay, if not into something worse.

In spite of various patterns of intersecting interests, the splintering between the Islamist-oriented and regionally affiliated militias has increased beyond expectation in pace and scale over the past month. The battles to the east in Benghazi during "Black Saturday" and the following Saturday earlier this month and the recent militia warfare in Tripoli testify to this ominous trend.

It also appears that both sides fear the other more than ever, as the fighting has given them a sense of their adversaries' strength. The militias on both sides possess arsenals that are far superior to the weaponry at the disposal of official government forces, yet both sides are also shielded by official political support from the government and the GNC.

With militias bristling with arms and gunmen shooting it out in the streets, many Libyans believe that the international community must now devote closer attention to the state of lawlessness that is gripping their country. Indeed, some GNC members have openly begun to hope for another international military intervention in order to restore security in the country before the situation deteriorates further into civil war.

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[batavia-news] What now for the Brotherhood?


03-07-2013 07:02PM ET

What now for the Brotherhood?

The Muslim Brotherhood faces its most serious battle yet, writes Gamal Essam El-Din

What now for the Brotherhood?

The Muslim Brotherhood rallying in the vicinity of Rabaa Al-Adawiya showing their support to Morsi
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Since it was founded in 1928 by Hassan Al-Banna the Muslim Brotherhood has faced several battles for survival. In 1948, following the assassination of prime minister Mahmoud Fahmi Al-Nokrashi and a campaign of disruption which included the murder of Jews, hundreds of Brotherhood activists were imprisoned. A year later Hassan Al-Banna was himself assassinated and the group he founded outlawed.

After initially supporting the 1952 Revolution the Brotherhood was accused in 1954 of plotting to kill Gamal Abdel-Nasser as he was delivering a speech in the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria. Nasser retaliated by detaining Hassan Al-Hodaibi, the group's supreme guide, and other leading officials. The Brotherhood was once again banned.

The majority of detainees were released a decade later, in 1964. Yet within a year officials from the group, including the group's most influential ideologue Sayed Qutb, were facing arrest. Qutb was executed in 1966 after being convicted of plotting to overthrow the Nasser regime

Like Nasser, Anwar Al-Sadat began his rule with a brief honeymoon period with the Brotherhood. He released its members from detention and they were allowed a voice in political life. Sadat fell out with the Brotherhood after signing a peace treaty with Israel in 1979. In September 1981 Sadat ordered the arrest of hundreds of Brotherhood officials. He was assassinated the following month.

Under the 30-year-rule of Hosni Mubarak the Brotherhood faced several crackdowns, none of them as severe as under Nasser and Sadat. Yet according to many political commentators, however difficult the situations it has faced in the past they are as nothing compared to the existential struggle ahead of the Brotherhood after millions of ordinary Egyptians took to the streets to demand the resignation of Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi.

"For more than eight decades Egypt has witnessed confrontations between the Muslim Brotherhood on one hand and secular regimes on the other. The majority of Egyptians kept out of the conflict," says Ahram analyst Ahmed Abdel-Hafeez. "This time, and finally in power, the Brotherhood finds itself pitted against the majority of Egyptian people. They turned out in millions this week not only to demand Morsi leave office but to announce their categorical rejection of the Brotherhood's ideology.

"Foreign analysts fail to understand that the current massive protests are not only about economic hardships, the lack of services and fuel shortages and power cuts, but represent a rejection of the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and its attempts to turn Egypt into an Islamist state."

"The reason most Egyptians have run out of patience with Morsi," argues Al-Ahram analyst Salah Salem, "is because, rather than build a democratic state, he has shown himself determined to use his time in office to reinforce the Brotherhood's grip on power and impose its strict version of Islam on Egyptians.

"When the foreign media wonders why Egyptians aren't willing to give Morsi — they always like to describe him as the freely elected president — enough time to deliver they ignore the fact that if the electorate waited until 2016 Egypt would be dominated by an entrenched  Islamist oligarchy that would be very difficult to remove."

In the face of earlier crackdowns, argues Salem, the Brotherhood was able to survive "by spreading the impression that it was the victim of secular autocratic leaders who want to impose Western values on society".

"The Brotherhood was able to win seats in parliament under the Mubarak regime by playing the victim card. The image they propagated was of pious people persecuted because they could offer an alternative to a corrupt regime."

Now, says Salem, and after just one year in power, most Egyptians have come to the conclusion that the Brotherhood's image was a lie.

But what happens next?

Salem warns that the Brotherhood might resort to violence to maintain its grip on power. Indeed, some leading Brotherhood officials said as much on Monday when the army gave Morsi 48 hours to respond to the demands of the people.

"If the Brotherhood opted for violence it will face not only a strong reaction from the army — weakening the group both in Egypt and abroad — and a ban on all public activity, but likely reprisals from ordinary citizens who will not tolerate its attempts to force its views on the public."

Osama Al-Ghazali Harb, chairman of the liberal Democratic Front Party, believes "if Morsi has to be expelled from office by force the group will find itself with two options".

"It can either resort to force in an attempt to keep its president, in which case it will find itself once again a proscribed organization with most of its leadership behind bars, or else it can stage a tactical retreat in the hope it will be able to keep its structures intact. It might even decide to field a candidate for early presidential elections though given the resentment the public harbours towards the MB he won't have much of a chance."

Cairo University political science professor Nevine Mosaad posits another possible scenario. "The Brotherhood is likely to suffer internal divisions, rifts between young activists who want the group to be more democratic and open to the outside world and an aging elite devoted to the Qutbist ideology which a majority of Egyptians have made clear they reject after just one year of Morsi in office."

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[batavia-news] Huge Algae Bloom Afflicts Coastal Chinese City



Huge Algae Bloom Afflicts Coastal Chinese City

Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

An algae-covered public beach in Qingdao, China, on Thursday.

BEIJING — In what has become an annual summer scourge, the coastal Chinese city of Qingdao has been hit by a near-record algae bloom that has left its popular beaches fouled with a green, stringy muck.

The State Oceanic Administration said an area larger than the state of Connecticut had been affected by the mat of "sea lettuce," as it is known in Chinese, which is generally harmless to humans but chokes off marine life and invariably chases away tourists as it begins to rot.

Some beachgoers appeared to be amused by the outbreak, at least according to the Chinese media, which in recent days have featured startling images of swimmers lounging on bright green beds of algae, tossing it around with glee or piling it atop of one another as if it were sand.

Local officials, however, are less enthused. Last month, they declared a "large-scale algae disaster," sending hundreds of boats and bulldozers to clean up the waters off Qingdao, a former German concession in Shandong Province that is famous for its beer and beaches. As of Monday, workers and volunteers had cleared about 19,800 tons of the algae, according to the Qingdao government. While valued for its nutrition — or as an ingredient in fertilizers and biomass energy production — algae in large quantities can prove dangerous as it decomposes, producing toxic hydrogen sulfide gas. It also smells like rotten eggs.

The green tide, spread over 7,500 square miles, is thought to be twice the size of an outbreak in 2008 that threatened sailing events during the Beijing Olympics, which took place around Qingdao. At the time, officials deployed boats, helicopters and 10,000 workers to keep the waters clear for the competition.

The cleanup costs were later estimated at more than $30 million. Abalone, clam and sea cucumber farms suffered more than $100 million in damage, according to a 2011 study by researchers from the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences.

An outbreak in 2009 was even bigger, affecting a stretch of the Yellow Sea nearly as large as West Virginia.

Although biologists are at a loss to explain the most recent algae bloom, scientists suspect it is connected to pollution and increased seaweed farming in the province just south of Shandong. While similar green tides have been reported around the world, the annual bloom in the Yellow Sea is considered the largest, growing to an estimated million tons of biomass each year.

The green tides were first reported in Qingdao in 2007. A central factor is the high supply of nutrients from agricultural runoff and wastewater. But those pollutants have been in the Yellow Sea for decades, leading scientists to look for new triggers.

A group of researchers believe that the algae that washes up around Qingdao originates farther south in seaweed farms along the coast of Jiangsu Province. The farms grow porphyra, known as nori in Japanese cuisine, on large rafts in coastal waters. The rafts attract a kind of algae called ulva prolifera, and when the farmers clean them off each spring they spread the fast-growing algae out into the Yellow Sea, where it finds nutrients and warm temperatures ideal for blooming.

"It feeds off those nutrients and grows bigger and bigger and eventually you can see it from satellites," said John Keesing, a scientist at the Csiro Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research in Australia who is studying the green tide with Chinese researchers. "The currents gently move the algae in a northeastern direction out into the center of the Yellow Sea. You get a huge amount, and eventually it starts to wash on shore."

While farmers have long grown seaweed along the Jiangsu coast for consumption, the rafts expanded much farther offshore starting in 2006, which may have contributed to the recent blooms, according to an article published last May by Mr. Keesing and his colleagues. The answer to curtailing the blooms may lie in disposing of the algae that clogs the nori rafts on land.

"We haven't suggested people stop growing porphyra, but proper husbandry methods to prevent much of the waste algae from going into sea, that's probably the only preventive measure that could be deployed," he said.

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