Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Babak Baru Khofifah Vs Faida


JARAK - Jaringan Anti Korupsi
Babak Baru Khofifah Vs Faida
Inline image

Usulan Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri untuk memecat Faida sebagai Bupati Jember bisa dikatakan adalah merupakan babak baru dari pertarungan Khofifah vs Faida

Hal ini dikatakan oleh Agus Harimurti, seorang tokoh seniman Jember, pada Rabu (4/11/2020).

"Ini babak baru Khofifah vs Faida, karena sebelumnya Faida maupun jajaran birokrasi dari Pemkab Jember sudah pernah dipanggil oleh Pemprov Jatim, bahkan juga pernah diundang oleh pemerintah pusat dalam hal ini Mendagri, tapi terkesan Faida dengan sengaja dan tidak ada itikad baik untuk mematuhi berbagai peraturan negara dalam mengelola pemerintahan di kabupaten Jember", kata pria yang akrab dipanggil Agus Murdoch ini..

Sebagaimana diketahui, Surat Rekomendasi Gubernur Jawa Timur, Khofifah Indar Parawansa yang mengusulkan kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri, untuk mencopot status jabatan Bupati Jember dari Faida telah beredar di masyarakat.

"Layak kepada Bupati Jember (Sdr. dr. Faida, MMR) untuk dikenakan sanksi berupa pemberhentian sebagai Bupati Jember," kalimat pada surat Khofifah kepada Mendagri dalam surat dengan register nomor: 739/ 9238/ 060/ 2020 tersebut.

Dasar Khofifah mengusulkan pemecatan Faida adalah hasil pemeriksaan oleh Inspektorat Pemprov Jatim. Kesimpulannya Faida mengingkari sumpah janji jabatan yang diatur pada Pasal 67 huruf b UU nomor 23 tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah.

Sanksi pemecatan terhadap Faida disebut telah sesuai dengan ketentuan berikutnya yang tertuang dalam Pasal 78 ayat (2) huruf d pada beleid yang sama.

Sebab, pemeriksaan inspektorat mengungkap fakta-fakta berbagai ulah Faida yang mengabaikan tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagai kepala daerah.

Kesalahan Faida sesuai rekomendasi tersebut adalah:

Pertama, ternyata selama 7 bulan Faida tidak pernah menjalankan instruksi Mendagri untuk memulihkan struktur birokrasi Pemkab Jember, terhitung sejak tanggal 11 November 2019.

Kala itu bertepatan dengan perintah Mendagri melalui surat nomor: 700/ 12429/ SJ yang diperjelas lagi oleh Gubernur dengan layang resmi nomor: 131/ 25434/ 011.2/ 2019 tanggal 12 Desember 2019.

Perintahnya adalah mencabut 30 Perbup, 15 SK Bupati, 1 SK demisioner jabatan. Dan pengangkatan pejabat untuk kembali dalam jabatan seperti tanggal 3 Januari 2018 semula.

Faida diyakini tidak beritikad baik dan sengaja membiarkan kondisi struktur birokrasi berikut penempatan pejabat yang ilegal.

Kedua, selama 4 tahun berturut-turut APBD mengalami keterlambatan pengesahan.
Paling parah APBD tahun 2020 tidak terselesaikan kendati sebanyak 5 kali difasilitasi oleh Pemprov hingga tanggal 25 Juni 2020.

Faida tidak memberi keputusan kepada tim anggaran Pemkab yang telah diutus menghadiri rapat di kantor Bakorwil V. Padahal, saat itu DPRD bersedia melanjutkan pembahasan rancangan Perda APBD.

Faida memilih tetap memakai Perbup APBD yang terbatas pemakaian anggaran hanya untuk kebutuhan wajib, mengikat, dan mendesak.

Namun, temuan inspektorat menunjukkan bukti bahwa realisasi anggaran justru menyimpang dari ketentuan.

Diantaranya pencairan bansos beasiswa senilai Rp2,8 miliar pada 15 Mei, dan Rp3 miliar tertanggal 18 Mei 2020.

Pencairan uang negara secara ilegal berlanjut lewat Dinas Pendidikan untuk pembelian komputer senilai Rp201 juta, dan pengadaan alat studio visual yang menelan anggaran Rp116 juta.

Inspektorat menegaskan, Faida menabrak Pasal 107 ayat (2), Pasal 110 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) PP nomor 12 tahun 2019 tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah serta Permendagri nomor 33 tahun 2019 tentang Pedoman Penyusunan APBD 2020.

Ketiga, pelanggaran Faida bertambah dengan tidak pernah hadir untuk wajib menjawab interpelasi maupun hak angket dari DPRD Jember. Mangkirnya Faida yang disertai melarang pejabat bawahannya hadir ke parlemen disebut menyalahi Pasal 207 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) UU nomor 23 tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah.

Adapun, Gubernur sebelumnya telah menjatuhkan sanksi kepada Faida dilucuti segala hak keuangan Bupati selama 6 bulan sejak 3 September 2020.

Faida tidak lagi mendapatkan gaji, honorarium, tunjangan jabatan, tunjangan lainnya. Biaya operasional maupun seluruh anggaran yang berasal dari keuangan negara.


Posted by: Indra Prihantaka <>
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[MailingListPendidikanNetwork] Pi Network by Stanford Graduates Might be Better than Bitcoin


Hi Friends,

On March 14th 2019, a group of Stanford graduates, Nicolas Kokkalis, Chengdiao Fan, and Vince McPhillip, launched a social cryptocurrency dubbed Pi Network. While the aforementioned cryptocurrency was launched only less than 2 years ago, the creators of Pi Network claim that it dominates bitcoin in environmental aspects.

Clarifying the point, McPhillip who is acting as Pi's head of community elaborated that bitcoin was dependent on bitcoin mining which is not an environment-friendly process. He explained as large amounts of carbon dioxide were emitted during mining, the impact of bitcoin mining on the environment was quite drastic.

Besides its effect on the surroundings, McPhillip also said that bitcoin mining was expensive as miners had to deploy high computing powers which in turn means high electricity consumption to mine bitcoin. In this regard, his exact words were:

"Bitcoin's proof-of-work consensus protocol relies on nodes using lots of electricity in competition to be the first to solve a math equation."

Then putting forward the benefits of Pi Network, he stated that Pi was built on another consensus algorithm, Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP). Further describing SCP, McPhillip explained that several nodes voted on Pi's Network to validate a transaction.

Opposed to bitcoin where only one miner is able to validate the transaction and get rewards for it, several nodes in Pi validating the transaction make sure that the computing power is distributed. Hence, unlike bitcoin mining where a single miner has to deploy as much computing power as possible, computing power in Pi Network is far less than required for bitcoin mining.

At the moment, as per the creators of Pi Network, the number of people installing the project already surpassed 9,000,000. Moreover, it was revealed in this bitcoin exchange list for beginners that these people were spread to at least 180 countries in the world.

Apart from lessening the burden on the environment, Pi Network is said to ease the lives of people interested in mining new tokens as they could easily do so with the help of their smartphones. In addition to the low-cost process, mining Pi is also regarded as a low power consuming process, therefore, needing minimal battery power. Aiming to further bring improvements to Pi, McPhillip said:

"As we approach testnet and mainnet, we are also designing mechanisms that ensure people have something at stake when they vouch for each other."

Pi Network might outclass bitcoin in several departments, however, there's a long way for Pi Network to go before becoming as favorite among investors as bitcoin currently is.

Pi is simple,safe,effective,and environment friendly. It does not cost you anything. you even do not need to own any credit card.
All you have to do is literally push a button once a day, you can earn at least 11 pi tokens.  For it even to be worth $1 a coin (In fact, it was used by some pioneers at a price of $10-$50 per PI token currently)  in the future this will be the easiest money you have ever made. The minds behind it are genius and possibly revolutionizing the industry.

If you need to know more why and how Pi Network could offset the environmental damage done by Bitcoin mining please read the below yahoo finance report.

Pi Network seeks to offset the environmental damage done by Bitcoin mining

Bitcoin just boomed over $12K last week.
Some people achieved the crypto dream while others realized how ignoring the trend was a terrible mistake.

PI could be the next opportunity, It is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs in 2019, with over 9million members worldwide today. It seems to follow the same pattern as Bitcoin in 2009.
At this stage, the PI network plan seems to just be "grow the numbers, test the system, and we will take it from there."

You just need to take one minute a day, give yourself a chance to get rich. PI is Zero risk, no investment, no credit card required
Please visit us at

If you miss the bitcoin at an early stage, don't let this opportunity pass by again.
There's no reason not to join the  PI network and earn some tokens. Join now, or regret it later.
PI is a long term project, If you want to make money fast and take some risks, please visit the below subsite, This subsite will be updated weekly. It is going to provide you some idea on how to earn with ZERO or little investment to make money, Please visit us frequently.

On December 15, 2020 all yahoo group members will no longer be able to send or receive emails from Yahoo Groups.
If  you want to still receive those messages on how to invest in the crypto FREE and SAFE, Please join our new google group Great_Opptunity_Invest_Blockchain
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Please DO NOT click the button "Join This Group". But just reply it with another blank email again. You will be added to the group.

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