Saturday, October 26, 2013

[media-jabar] Pers Rilis Detik -Detik Peringatan Sumpah Pemuda ( Pemuda Pecinta Lingkungan )









Salam Lestari.


                Sejarah Sumpah Pemuda lahir pada Tahun 1936,jauh sebelum kita merdeka.Perjuangan dan Pengorbanan Para Pahlawan terdahulu dalam Membela Tanah Air patut dihargai dan di Peringati sebagai perjuangnnan yang berhasilan .                Namun Kondisi saat ini di Negara Indonesia dalam Keadaan Serba Tidak jelas,segala hal yang berhubungan dengan kebijakan tidasatupun yang mengarah kepada perbaikan ekologi

                Sampah misalkan,saat ini masalah besar yang harus diselesaikan bersama guna keberlangsungan Sumber Daya Alam Tanah Air Tercinta ini.maka dari itu kami mengundang dan mengajak Bapak.Ibi Kawan – Kawan Media Massa bergabung dalam kegiatan "Detik – Detik Peringatan Sumpah Pemuda" melalui rangkaian kegiatan yang disusun dengan tema :


Menampilkan "Kreativitas Anak Bangsa Dalam Mewujudkan Lingkungan Yang Bersih Dan Aman"

Rangkaian Acara akan disusun sebagai berikut :

-       Lomba Kreasi Mnghiase Tempat Sampah

Lomba Kategori Tingkat RW di Kelurahan Mekar Mulya Kecamatan Panyileukan ini akan diikuti oleh perwakilan masing –masing RW dan hasilnya akan dipajang di Stage Areal Pameran

-       Talkshow "Pemuda & Sampah"

Talkshow akan dipandu oleh satu orang moderator dari Greeneration Indonesia Sdri. Shally Asmauliyah dan akan mengundang narasumber diantaranya Direktur Walhi Jawa Barat Bpk. Dadan Ramdan sebagai aktivis lingkungan,sdri.Anilawati dari YPBB dan Pemuda yang telah berkarya Sdr.Reza Ardian sebagai Perwakilan Pemuda dimana dalam Talkshow tersebut akan menggambarkan Diskusi yang tidak membosankan terkait Peran Pemuda dalam keterlibatannya turut mengelola Sampah dan tantangan nya .

-       Pameran Karya Anak Bangsa

Pameran akan menampilkan hasil karya Anak bangsa baik PemduaPelajar,Mahasiswa dan Penggerak PKK juga dari Instansi Pemerintahan terkait antara lain : Pameran Foto Kerusakan Lingkungan, Potret Pengelolaan Sampah di Wilayah Kelurahan Mekar Mulya Kecamatan Rancasari, Pameran karya senisasi seng siliwangi (S3) hasil Karya Warga Kota Bandung & Tisna Sanjaya dalam Forum Babakan Siliwangi yang menggambarkan Perjuangan Warga Kota dalam Penyelamatan HUtan Babakan Siliwangi, ,Pameran Daur Ulang Sampah,Pameran dari Humpunan Mahasiswa Tekhnik Lingkungan HMTLUNPAS,dll

-       Aksi Helaran "Warga" & Musik "Komplek"

Aksi Helaran "Warga" dimana masing-masing RW mengajak Warganya turut mengkampanyekan kepedulian terhadap sampah melalui berbagai macam kreatifitas dan diarak ke lokasi Kegiatan dilanjutkan Pagelaran Seni & Budaya lalu Musik "Komplek" music yang penuh Kreatifitas dan seni gaya "Komplek" dengan menampilkan Penampilan Akustik,Karindik,Kendang Pencak,,Musik Sampah,Dangdut Komplek Shagara ( Home Band Soimah ), dan banyak lainnya

            Kegiatan ini akan diselenggarakan Pada Tanggal 27 Oktober 2013 mulai Puku 14.30 yang akan dibuka langsung oleh Bpk.Walikota Bandung.Lokasi Kegiatan di Komplek Panghegar permai Jalan Pamekar Raya tepatnya di Lapangan Vooley Ball RW 03 Bandung

            Demikian siaran Pers dan undangan peliputan besar harapan kami kegiatan ini menjadi Titik awal Pemuda dalam memperjuangkan Haak atas Lingkungan yang Sehat,Bersih nyaman tanpa menimbukan maslah lainnya


Salam Hijau & Lestari

Ketua Umum Pemuda Peduli Lingkungan ( PEPELING )



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[batavia-news] Ketua Pemuda Pancasila: tak Ada yang Boleh Mengecam FPI



Ketua Pemuda Pancasila: tak Ada yang Boleh Mengecam FPI

Japto Seolistyo Soerjosoemarno: " mereka bergerak sesuai ajaran Islam. Jadi siapa pun tidak boleh mengecamnya.", tak semua pihak menilai negatif imbauan Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi agar pemerintah daerah menggandeng Front Pembela Islam (FPI) sebagai mitra pembangunan.

Ketua Majelis Pimpinan Pusat Ogranisasi Masyarakat Pemuda Pancisila (PP), Japto Seolistyo Soerjosoemarno, justru mendukung pernyataan Gamawan Fauzi bahwa FPI adalah aset bangsa.

Menurutnya, Ormas dapat dimanfatkan untuk bekerja sama dalam berbagai bidang, maka dari itu harus di manfaatkan.

"Semua organisasi massa (Ormas) adalah mitra pemerintah, mendukung dan membantu pemerintah dalam kegiatan-kegiatan sosial atau kegiataan lainnya. FPI juga demikian, (menjadi mitra) terutama dalam hal keagamaan," kata Japto, Sabtu (26/10/2013), dikutip

Ia menjelaskan, Ormas di Indonesia beragam. Ada ormas yang bergerak dalam bidang keolahragaan, maupun politik.

Meski begitu, terus Japto, tujuan seluruh ormas itu sama. "Setiap ormas pasti punya AD/ART, dan dari mukadimah AD/ART bisa dilihat, bagaimana arah idiologi Ormas tersebut," tukasnya.
Misal, terus Japto, PP yang selama ini menjalin mitra dengan TNI dan Polri untuk menjaga keutuhan NKRI. PP juga kerap melakukan pelatihan bersama kedua institusi tersebut. "Kemitraan kita sudah terajut sejak lama,"katanya.

Karenanya, Japto meyakini FPI juga ormas yang jelas juntrungannya karena memiliki ideologi dan terdaftar secara hukum.

"Kami adalah mitra mereka juga, karena mereka bergerak sesuai ajaran Islam. Jadi siapa pun tidak boleh mengecamnya", tegasnya.*

Panji Islam
Editor: Cholis Akbar

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[batavia-news] Al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front leader killed in Syria, reports say



Al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front leader killed in Syria, reports say

Abu Mohammad al-Golani killed in the coastal province of Latakia, Syrian state TV reports.

Members of the Nusra Front take part in a parade calling for the establishment of an Islamic state in Syria. The group's leader, Abu Mohammad al-Golani, was reportedly killed in the coastal province of Latakia on Friday.


Members of the Nusra Front take part in a parade calling for the establishment of an Islamic state in Syria. The group's leader, Abu Mohammad al-Golani, was reportedly killed in the coastal province of Latakia on Friday.

Explore This Story

BEIRUT—Syrian state-run TV reported Friday that the leader of a powerful Al Qaeda-linked rebel group has been killed — a claim that if confirmed would be a huge blow to fighters trying to topple President Bashar Assad.

At least one rebel commander has denied the report.

Abu Mohammad al-Golani heads Jabhat al-Nusra, also known as the Nusra Front, which has emerged as one of the most effective among rebel groups fighting Assad.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which closely monitors the fighting in Syria, said senior Nusra Front leaders contacted by activists in Latakia and the eastern Deir el-Zour province denied al-Golani had been killed.

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Other Nusra Front sources said they could not confirm or deny the report "because contact with al-Golani was cut," the Observatory said in a statement.

A rebel commander in a Damascus suburb contacted by The Associated Press said he believed al-Golani was "alive and well" based on his contacts with other fighters, including those from Nusra Front. He declined to elaborate or be identified for security concerns.

The report comes as the fragmented rebels have suffered significant losses on the battlefield.

Syrian troops killed at least 40 opposition fighters, including Nusra Front members, earlier Friday in an ambush near Damascus, the government said.

Assad's forces, backed by Lebanese Hezbollah gunmen, also seized control of a rebel ammunition supply route on a highway linking the capital to its eastern suburbs — part of a blistering government offensive to bolster its position amid an international push for peace talks.

State TV said al-Golani was killed in the coastal province of Latakia. It did not say when or give other details. News of his death was not mentioned in the main headlines of the TV's late night news bulletin.

Al-Golani, who fought previously in Iraq, is a shadowy figure who is believed to have spent time recently in rebellious suburbs south of Damascus. Rebels have also gained footholds in mountainous regions of Latakia, which is largely loyal to Assad, and he may have gone there to direct fighting.

The Nusra Front is on a U.S. State Department list of terrorist organizations. The group has claimed responsibility for numerous suicide bombings against government targets

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[batavia-news] De Klerk: I am an African



De Klerk: I am an African

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IOL de klerk

Independent Newspapers

FW de Klerk. File photo: Michael Walker

Johannesburg - Former president FW de Klerk put his own spin on former president Thabo Mbeki's "I am an African" speech, at the 12th Europe lecture in The Hague on Friday.

"My ancestors were Huguenots from France who came to South Africa via Holland in 1688," he said in a speech prepared for delivery.

"... My culture, like the cultures of so many peoples throughout the world, is suffused with the unparalleled literature, art and music of Europe. And yet, I am an African," he said.

De Klerk said that even though he had deep roots in European culture, he identified with Africa and regarded himself as an African.

"... I strive to promote its interests in its relationship with other parts of the world, and I support its sports teams when they are playing teams from other continents."

European imperialism deeply affected Southern Africa, and was indelibly changed though the British conquest wars with the Xhosa, the Zulus and the Afrikaners.

"The withdrawing tide of Europe an rule left country after country floundering on the beach of independence, surrounded by the flotsam and jetsam of empire.

"Constitutions that were not rooted in African traditions and ideas of government were hastily written and just as hastily torn up."

Many African countries were left with a "love, hate relationship" with Europe, criticising them at the United Nations, but enjoying the shopping and culture of European capitals.

In recent years, Africa's rapidly growing economy and Europe's waning global prestige had changed the dynamic between the two continents.

"The reality is that the European single market just is not functioning as effectively as it should," De Klerk said.

Declining birth rates were also contributing to Europe's problems, but large-scale immigration from other parts of the world would fundamentally change the continent's character.

Europe needed Africa to be prosperous, because political and economic problems in Africa would result in an "unstoppable torrent" of African refugees.

"But Africa also needs a strong Europe that will be able to play its proper role in the world."

De Klerk said that Europe needed to give Africa greater attention in its strategic world view. - Sapa

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[batavia-news] Book Review : Leninism, Gramsci, culture: predicaments of Indian Communism I & II


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Book Review : Leninism, Gramsci, culture: predicaments of Indian Communism — I — By Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed

Struggle for Hegemony in India

Authors: Shashi Joshi and Bhagwan Josh

Publisher: Sage Publications, New Delhi; 2011 (first published in 1992)

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the disintegration of the Eastern Bloc countries, the metamorphosing of the People's Republic of China into the bankers to global capitalism are cataclysmal events of such gigantic proportions that it would take a very long time before one can begin to understand how and why the communist project proved ultimately to be a house of cards.

A major contribution to understanding the failure of communism, as theorised by Vladimir Lenin, to successfully mobilise the masses to overthrow through class struggle imperialism and the colonial state, and subsequently to capture the successor Indian state, is this trilogy. This is a compilation of three earlier works — A History of the Indian Communists: The Irrelevance of Leninism (Shashi Joshi); A History of the Indian Communists: From United Front to Left Front (Bhagwan Josh) and Culture, Community and Power: A Critique of the Discourses of Communalism and Secularism (Shashi Joshi and Bhagwan Josh) — by two leading Indian scholars at India's premier Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi: Shashi Joshi and Bhagwan Josh. Both have their intellectual roots in the Indian communist movement. It is seldom that one comes across such a vast body of theoretical literature reviewed and facts evaluated in a single study. It is surely the magnum opus of these gifted life-partners.

Two concepts are at the core of their analytical apparatus: hegemony and culture. Deferring to the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, Bhagwan Josh writes in the second volume: "Hegemony is a relation not of domination by means of force, but of consent by means of political and ideological leadership (vol. 2, page xxi). Gramsci had argued that instead of the revolutionary insurrection that Leninism prescribed, it was necessary for Italian communists to work within the bourgeois democratic state based on the rule of law, rather than go it alone, in order to fight fascism which was then on the rise in Italy.

The second core concept in their analytical framework is their notion of culture. According to Joshi and Josh, economic and social interests no doubt fuel all movements that aggregate individual desires and discontents. However, they wonder why some ideologies and not others attract people. They believe this is determined by culture. Reviewing a number of approaches on culture they settle for one that combines "culture as a battleground on which competing groups struggle to define symbols and meanings" (volume III: xviii), with "culture as a process inevitably involving contradictions, conflict and accommodation, and emphasising the actors' agency" (ibid). A great degree of emphasis is laid by them on the notion of "internality of culture". By this they mean the way culture circumscribes the choices of diction and symbols as well as delimits those who can choose them and use them successfully.

In the first volume covering the colonial period, Shashi Joshi demonstrates that the strategy to attempt a violent overthrow of the state was a non-starter from the very onset. The colonial state was not, unlike Czarist Russia, a brute machine that could be confronted head on by mobilising all sections of the people against its domination. It was a sophisticated ideological-political-military apparatus that was, on the one hand, fully prepared to crush any violent challenge to its authority, and on the other, through limited constitutionalism and skilful management of social tensions such as those deriving from religious differences between Hindus and Muslims or through legal measures regulating relations between workers and capitalists or tenants and landowners and those deriving from the divisive caste system, it could impede mass mobilisation.

At the bottom of their argument is that one could not transplant lock stock and barrel the conditions that obtained in Czarist Russia that resulted in the Bolsheviks coming to power through an armed revolution in October 1917. The hegemony of the colonial state had to be challenged from within the cultural and political conditions peculiar to India. In sharp contrast to the communists' class-based armed insurrection strategy, Gandhi was convinced that a violent overthrow of the colonial state was impossible. He, therefore, devised a challenge to imperialism, which combined the moderate path of constitutionalism and legal protest with mass, non-violent agitation that very prudently evaded a head-on collision with the colonial state. It was, therefore, both constitutional as well as extra-constitutional. The insistence on non-violence steered it away from a head-on collision with the British. Such a sophisticated challenge the British could not combat successfully, because the colonial state was bound by its culture of constitutionalism and recognition of basic civil liberties such as the right peacefully to protest government policies. Thus the Gandhian approach was dialectically more effective in challenging the hegemony of imperialism.

In this regard, Joshi makes the important point that Jawaharlal Nehru, who was generally considered left of Gandhi, did not betray the idea of a revolutionary transformation of India to socialism as was maintained by orthodox communists during 1929-34 when they accused Nehru of eclecticism and of being a "despicable betrayer and beheader of the revolutionary movement" (page 162), but a strategy that sought to combine the Gandhian strategy with socialism.

In the second volume, Bhagwan Josh focuses on the failure of the communists to successfully join the politics of a united front against imperialism. He refers to a statement of the general secretary of the Communist Party, Ajoy Kumar Ghosh, to the effect that although the communist party tried to forge an anti-imperialist front under its leadership, it was the national bourgeoisie led by the Congress Party, which succeeded in doing so. Josh disagrees with Ghosh that the Congress Party was merely a bourgeois party. He considers the Congress a historic multi-class bloc, with its left and right wings being balanced in Gandhi's strategy to create a broad front against imperialism. Rigid adherence to Leninist theory meant that instead of devising policies and strategies to work with the objective reality, the communists saw the reality through an economistic and deterministic prism.

(To be continued)

The reviewer is a visiting professor, LUMS, Pakistan, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Stockholm University, and Honorary Senior Fellow, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore. Latest publications: Winner of the Best Non-Fiction Book award at the Karachi Literature Festival: The Punjab Bloodied, Partitioned and Cleansed, Oxford, 2012; and Pakistan: The Garrison State, Origins, Evolution, Consequences (1947-2011), Oxford, 2013. He can be reached at:


Book Review : Leninism, Gramsci, culture: predicaments of Indian Communism — II — By Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed

Struggle for Hegemony in India

Authors: Shashi Joshi and Bhagwan Josh

Publisher: Sage Publications, New Delhi; 2011 (first published in 1992)

Professor Bhagwan Josh develops a sophisticated appreciation of Nehru's left bloc, which rejected Leninism but not socialism. Instead of relying on the working class crushed by wage slavery, and thus unable to lead the struggle, Nehru broadened it to include the peasantry, the youth and anti-imperialist intellectuals and others. Subhash Chandra Bose was on the left of Nehru, but his bid to capture the leadership of the Congress was thwarted because he predicated armed insurrection that stood no chance of winning. The communists did begin to work towards a united front in 1939-40 but one under their class-based hegemony. That ended in just the opposite and alienated them from the mainstream when they joined hands with the British after Hitler invaded the Soviet Union.

Since independence, the communists have been displaying the same rigidity in making alliances. Thus in Bengal, where the breakaway Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM) emerged as a major player and took up a clear anti-communal stand against the BJP, it nevertheless evaded forming a stable alliance with the Congress. In Kerala, which is a CPM stronghold, no serious attempt to forge a left front with the Congress was attempted either. The ultimate failure of the communists to partake in the building of a progressive Indian nation was when Jyoti Basu of the CPM was not allowed by his party to become the prime minister of India because that would entail major concessions to the capitalist economy that existed in India.

The third volume is jointly authored by Joshi and Josh. Although they take great pains to assert that by culture they do not mean religion, this is not entirely convincing because they identify Hindus and Muslims as heirs to two different cultures and culture codes, phraseology and symbols that essentially disqualify one group from drawing upon the 'culture' of the other group. We learn that the two cultures could never merge to create a strong Indian consciousness — by the same token in the Punjab, religiously-demarcated cultural boundaries remain intact and an overarching Punjabi identity could not develop. They provide evidence of communal riots going back in history many centuries, and, therefore, question the rather widespread notion of communalism being the brainchild of colonialism and imperialism, and a product of colonial modernity. They give the example of the song Bande Mataram, which the Congress chose as its party song. The song was written by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay, and later appeared in his novel, Anandamath (1882), portraying the Muslims and the British as oppressive foreign invaders. Nehru took the position that the first two stanzas could be accepted as they were not communal, the Indian Muslims who saw it as an integral part of a hostile anti-Muslim novel, remained unconvinced. It was a choice made within the broad Hindu culture and appealed directly to the Hindus but alienated the Muslims who could not identify with it.

Ironically, when the communists in the Punjab tried to work within the cultural framework and Dr Adhikari and P C Joshi spoke of the Muslims as an oppressed nationality, they strengthened the separatist bid of the Muslim League while alienating the Sikhs of Punjab. What comes out of their massive study is that while Gandhi, or Gandhi and Nehru together, could trump the hegemony of the colonial state, Mohammad Ali Jinnah could trump their use of culture with a powerful invocation of Islamic symbolism and cultural vocabulary.

Now, this may very much be true. Perhaps culture is the independent variable that defines the choices and consciousness of people. The authors do point out that this happens within particular contexts, but their argument suggests the primacy of culture over class consciousness and solidarity. In other words, the communist project of a class revolution, howsoever attractive to those subscribing to the rationalist logic of class, is largely delusional when it comes to attracting the mass of people.

One can, however, always wonder how and why western culture has transformed in the last two hundred or more years so that Christianity is no longer the defining feature of European politics. Of course, Europe's reluctance to let in Turkey suggests that the religion factor is still important, but within European politics a secularised culture based on civic nationalism is now the norm, though violent encounters with Islamism may still halt or alter that direction of cultural change.

On the other hand, working within culture to create hegemony as attempted by states such as Pakistan, Iran and indeed Israel are reasons to worry about all the talk about cultural authenticity. In India, Hindutva calls are a dangerous proposition for democracy, and both authors are very much aware of that problem. They show that whereas the colonial state was religiously neutral when it came to communal riots, the Indian state post-Nehru is definitely not: the 1984 slaughter of Sikhs in Delhi and of Muslims in Gujarat are horrible examples of a state pandering to a majoritarian culture.

One can therefore argue that 'Culture Realism' and culture as an undifferentiated whole can be a dangerous premise to base politics on. Within cultures there are social classes and strata and powerful interests. Consequently, a broad-based left alliance comprising the progressive forces, oppressed sections of society, non-dominant minorities and nationalities can develop a programme and strategy to challenge reactionary culture, and instead promote secular culture and democratic values that seek to establish a pluralist and fairer society — a social-democratic political community and order.


The reviewer is a visiting professor, LUMS, Pakistan, professor emeritus of Political Science, Stockholm University, and honorary senior fellow, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore. Latest publications: Winner of the Best Non-Fiction Book award at the Karachi Literature Festival: The Punjab Bloodied, Partitioned and Cleansed, Oxford, 2012; and Pakistan: The Garrison State, Origins, Evolution, Consequences (1947-2011), Oxford, 2013. He can be reached at:

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[batavia-news] FPI Tuntut Ahok Turun dari Jabatan Wagub DKI



FPI Tuntut Ahok Turun dari Jabatan Wagub DKI

  • Penulis :
  • Robertus Belarminus
  • Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013 | 17:26 WIB

JAKARTA, - Sekretaris Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Front Pembela Islam (FPI) DKI Jakarta, Habib Novel Bamu'min menyatakan protesnya terhadap Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.

Hal ini terkait dengan komentar Basuki menanggapi pernyataan Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi.

Menurut Novel, dia menilai Basuki sangat keberatan dengan imbauan dari Mendagri agar setiap kepala daerah dapat bekerja sama dengan ormas Islam, tak terkecuali seperti FPI.

"Keterangan dari Mendagri inilah yang membuat Ahok gerah. Akhirnya, berkomentar keras dan menyudutkan FPI," kata Habib Novel, saat dihubungi, Sabtu (26/10/2013).

Jika Basuki tak dapat mengubah sikapnya, FPI akan menuntut Wagub DKI tersebut turun dari jabatannya.

"Kita minta kalau Ahok tidak bisa ubah sikap, kita minta ke DPRD gelar rapat atau apapun lah, bagaimana supaya Ahok bisa turun," ujar Novel.


Lebih lanjut Novel mengatakan, dalam waktu dekat ini pihaknya akan turun melakukan aksi di Balaikota DKI Jakarta. Namun, hal itu sedang direncanakan. Opsi lainnya, FPI akan mengirimkan delegasinya untuk bertemu dengan Gubernur DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo bersama Basuki sendiri.

"Mungkin lewat delegasi, kalau Senin kita tidak bisa turun. Kita akan minta langsung diagendakan untuk bertemu tokoh Islam dan berikan masukan untuk Ahok. Agar Ahok dapat berkordinasi dan berkerja sama dengan ormas Islam dan ulama," jelas Novel.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama mengaku bingung atas imbauan Menteri Dalam Negeri (Mendagri) Gamawan Fauzi kepada Kepala Daerah untuk menjalin kerja sama dengan organisasi masyarakat, seperti Front Pembela Islam (FPI).

Mengapa Basuki bingung? Karena beberapa waktu lalu, kata Basuki, Presiden SBY justru meminta pembubaran FPI. Menurut Basuki, pernyataan Gamawan membingungkan.

Di satu sisi, Gamawan beralasan FPI tidak dapat dibubarkan karena tidak pernah memiliki izin, dan FPI bukanlah sebuah bentuk organisasi masyarakat (ormas).

Di lain waktu, Gamawan justru meminta pemerintah daerah untuk bekerjasama dengan ormas, salah satunya dengan FPI.

Apabila harus bekerja sama, menurut Basuki, Pemprov DKI hanya akan mau bekerja sama dengan ormas yang resmi dan sudah memiliki izin. Selain itu, Pemprov DKI juga akan bekerja sama dengan ormas mana pun, asal tidak anarkis dan menaati konstitusi bukanlah konstituen.
Editor : Tri Wahono
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[batavia-news] FPI: Menolak Lurah Susan Harga Mati



FPI: Menolak Lurah Susan Harga Mati

  • Penulis :
  • Robertus Belarminus
  • Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013 | 19:37 WIB
Lurah Lenteng Agung Susan Jasmine Zulkifli menemui anggota polisi yang berjaga seusai unjuk rasa warga di Kantor Kelurahan Lenteng Agung, Rabu (28/8/2013). | KOMPAS IMAGES/KRISTIANTO PURNOMO

JAKARTA, - Front Pembela Islam (FPI) menyatakan penolakan mereka terhadap kepemimpinan Lurah Lenteng Agung, Susan Jasmine Zulkifli. Menurut FPI, daerah yang dipimpin Lurah Susan mayoritas berkeyakinan Islam sehingga tidak mungkin Susan mewakilkan aspirasi warga dalam kegiatan keagamaan.

"(FPI) Sangat menolak. Harga mati FPI Jaksel menolak keras adanya Lurah Susan," kata Sekretaris Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Front Pembela Islam (FPI) DKI Jakarta, Habib Novel Bamu'min, saat dihubungi, Sabtu (26/10/2013).

Beberapa poin yang menjadi dasar penolakan Lurah Susan, lanjut Novel, yakni karena Lenteng Agung mayoritas didiami oleh umat Muslim. Selama ini, kepemimpinan lurah di sana belum pernah dipegang lurah yang beragama non muslim. "Karena memang belum pernah ada yang non Islam," katanya.

Ia menyangsikan kepemimpinan Susan dapat mewakili warga yang mayoritas Muslim. "Sangat tidak mungkin Lurah Susan dapat mewakili aspiratif warganya. Wanita sudah punya keterbatasan, apalagi non Muslim. Kita mau yang bisa di situ, turun langusung ke lapangan, ke masjid, karena di situ ada aktivitas pengajiannya," ujar Novel.

Untuk itu, FPI berencana melakukan Tabliq di Masjid Al-Ausar Lenteng Agung, dengan tema 'Dampak Negatif Pemimpin Non-Islam Ditengah Mayoritas Islam'. Habib Novel mengatakan dirinya akan hadir.

Selain itu, Tabliq juga terkait untuk mengajak warga melakukan demo di Balaikota DKI Jakarta, Senin (28/10/2013). "Jam 19.30 WIB mulai pembukaan. Itu untuk mengajak warga demo kantor Gubernur. Kita menyikapi arogansi Ahok. Tapi bagaimana nantinya, keputusan bisa akan berubah," ucap Novel.

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[batavia-news] Hanya Tiga Capres Yang Bakal Maju ke Pilpres 2014



Hanya Tiga Capres Yang Bakal Maju ke Pilpres 2014

Jakarta, GATRAnews - Hanya tiga bakal calon presiden yang bisa diajukan pada Pemilu Presiden 2014, yaitu dari tiga partai dengan perolehan suara terbanyak. Demikian hasil riset terbaru Lingkaran Survei Indonesia (LSI).

Peneliti LSI Adjie Alfaraby, didampingi Ardian Sopa, di Jakarta, Minggu (20/10), mengatakan, hasil survei LSI menunjukkan, jika pemilu legislatif dilaksanakan hari ini, tiga partai menduduki urutan teratas adalah Partai Golkar (20,4 persen), PDIP (18,7 persen), dan Partai Demokrat (PD) sebesar 9,8 persen.

Kemudian Gerindra (6,6 %), PAN (5,2 %), PPP (4,6 %), PKB (4,6 %), PKS (4,4 %), Hanura (3,4 %), Nasdem (2,0 %), PBB (0,6 %), PKPI (0,3 %) dan yang belum menentuan (19,4 %).

"Jika hasil pemilu seperti survei dan persyaratan capres adalah diajukan parpol dengan suara nasional 25 persen dan perleh kursi DPR 20 persen, maka hanya Golkar, PDIP dan Demokrat yang bisa mengajukan capres pada Pilpres 2014," kata Adjie, sebagaimana dikutip Antara.

Survei LSI itu digelar pada 12 September hingga 5 Oktober 2013, di 33 Provinsi, dengan menggunakan 1.200 responden. Dengan metode multistage random sampling, estimasi kesalahan penyamplingan sekitar 2,9 %. Survei itu juga menggunakan instrumen kuesioner dengan wawancara tatap muka (face to face interview).

Adjie menjelaskan, Jika hasil survei itu disimulasikan ke dalam indeks Capres 2014 yang dibuat LSI, maka akan hanya ada 3 nama capres riil yaitu Aburizal Bakrie (Partai Golkar dan koalisinya), Megawati Soekarnoputri (PDIP dan koalisinya), dan pemenang konvensi Partai Demokrat.

"Jokowi dan Prabowo walaupun tinggi elektabilitasnya, hanya akan menjadi capres wacana karena masih tergantung pada kebaikan hati/dukungan tokoh/partai di luarnya," katanya.

Dalam survei LSI Maret 2013, elektabilitas Prabowo mencapai 19,2 % (termasuk tiga besar kandidat tekuat capres selain Megawati dan Aburizal Bakrie). Namun elektabilitas Prabowo tidak didukung dengan elektabilitas Partai Gerindra.

Partai Gerindra dalam sejumlah survei yang dilakukan LSI masih di bawah 10 % dan di bawah tiga partai (Golkar, Demokrat, dan PDIP). Elektabilitas Prabowo belum mampu dikonversikan menjadi elektabilitas partai.

Jokowi pun bukanlah pemimpin struktural PDIP. Walaupun memiliki elektabilitas yang tinggi, maju tidaknya Jokowi dalam Pilpres masih menyisahkan perbedaan pendapat di internal PDIP.

Oleh karena itu, kata Adjie, suka atau tidak suka, majunya Jokowi dan Prabowo masih dinilai oleh publik sebagai wacana belaka. Kedua tokoh ini belum bisa dimasukkan sebagai capres riil yang akan bertarung dalam pilpres 2014 nanti. (TMA)


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