Friday, January 3, 2014

[batavia-news] Di Rumania Ada Batu Bisa Tumbuh + The Living and Growing Stones of Romania - Facts Analysis Hot



Happy-Girl-in-Nature Trovants-Museum  Jika sebelumnya batu dikenal se­­bagai benda mati yang tidak tumbuh. Maka di Rumania, sebuah batu bernama Trovants ditemukan di sebuah desa di Costesti. Batu ini akan tumbuh semakin besar ketika hujan dan dapat berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain tanpa ada orang yang memindahkannya.

Dilansir dari OddityCentral, batu Trovants tersebut merupakan fenomena geologi yang sangat menakjubkan. Batu-batu unik tersebut tumbuh seakan-akan hidup.

Batu unik ini dihasilkan oleh aktivitas seismik. Trovants tumbuh ketika terkena air, batu kecil berukuran enam sampai delapan millimeter dan akan menjadi besar hingga berukuran enam sampai sepuluh meter.

Sementara itu, Trovants sendiri terdiri dari inti batu dengan kulit luar berupa pasir. Setelah hujan deras, batu-batu kecil tersebut akan berubah bentuk menjadi yang lebih besar. Beberapa ilmuwan pun melakukan penelitian untuk menjelaskan keanehan yang terjadi dengan batu Trovants.

Sedangkan para ilmuwan mempercayai bahwa di bawah bagian batu mengandung unsur mineral yang tinggi. Sehingga ketika permukaan menjadi basah, mineral mulai menyebar dan akan menekan pasir untuk membesar. Hal inilah yang membuat batu-batu itu tumbuh.

Saat ini batu-batu Trovants ini menjadi salah satu daya tarik wisata yang populer di Rumania. Muzeul Trovantilator adalah sebuah museum untuk melindungi batu unik ini yang telah diresmikan pada 2004 silam. Saat ini Batu Trovants telah dilindungi oleh UNESCO.



The Living and Growing Stones of Romania - Facts Analysis Hot

The Living and Growing Stones of Romania - Facts Analysis


These stones are alive and growing.

Other Versions

These Trovants of Romania are Stones That Literally Grow by Themselves.


The messages talk about living and growing stones of Romania which are supposedly called Trovants. Yes, it is a fact that these Trovants are stones that have been growing under certain conditions, but as such they are not 'alive'.

Amazing Geological Phenomena?

These Trovants of Romania are an amazing geological phenomena, found in a small village named Costesti. Trovants is a synonym for the German term "Sandsteinkonkretionen", which means Cemented Sand. They were believed to be a type of sandstone concretion that secrete cement and can appear to grow at times, as if they are alive. These fascinating 'living stones' were thought to consist of a stone core with an outer shell of sand, and after a heavy rain small stone forms are said to appear on the rocks leading them to be dubbed as the "growing stones". What's more interesting is the fact that these Trovants when cut had spherical and ellipsoidal rings similar to the ones of a tree trunk. These growing rocks were thought to look identical and even move like the sliding rocks of death valley.

Studies and Hypothesis

There were few studies about origin of these growing stones of Romania, and there are many hypothesis, some of them even fantastical. According to International Geological Congress conducted in Oslo 2008, these "Trovanti" were improperly considered as "sandstone concretions". The study of these trovants was started in the Carpathians area from about 1883 (Cobalcescu) and by 1900 Koch gave his opinions about their origin. It was found that there was no mineralogical difference between these pseudoconcretions and the surrounding sands, with no distinct nucleus inside them, and their cement is often carbonate-type. According to some reports, there was a sedimentation basin in this area some 6 million years ago, and the trovants were not identical, and complex aggregates of two ore more trovants can often be found.

According to the hypothesis of the congress, the Trovants of Romania represent diagenetic textures reflecting paleodynamic (paleoseismic) conditions and correspond to specific compactions of the sandy sediments containing locally solutions (especially carbonate) accumulated in the sand, which during important seismic shocks and under the influence of the internal cohesion forces tended to spherical forms. The gravitation force, seismic shocks, solution cohesion forces (particularly surface tension) and the adhesion strength between the sand grains and the liquid are believed to be involved in this process. It is to be noted that this hypothesis on the seismic origin of the trovants is very well sustained by many laboratory experiments.

The perfect spherical shaped Trovants which sometimes can be found are believed to be because of great magnitudes and durations of the paleoearthquakes. There are many trovants in Romania which are even diversely shaped. As far as the growth of these 'living stones' is concerned, certain stones may gradually get slightly larger as the result of absorbing water, in this case, the accumulations and deposits of minerals cemented by waters rich in calcium carbonate seems to be the reason. The growth of Trovant stones in Romania is believed to happen when a chemical reaction sets in between the layers of deposits and the mineral carbonates in the presence of rain water. But this process of growth in stones is not well documented yet. Coming to the claims that these rocks move like the sliding rocks of death valley, again, it could because of certain geological and weather conditions as explained here.

Tourist Attraction

Because of this fascinating 'living rocks' that seem to grow, the site became a good tourist attraction for Romania. To protect these unusual geological creations, the "Muzeul Trovantilor" or Trovants Museum Natural Reserve was developed in Valcea County by the local body in 2004, and is now protected by UNESCO. You can watch some glimpses of these interesting Romanian Trovants from the video shown.


Trovants of Costesti, Romania
Hypothesis on the paleodynamic (paleoseismic) origin of the trovants

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