Sunday, February 2, 2014

[batavia-news] Fw: Majalah Tempo, 3 Februari 2014 - Indonesia & English Edition


Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 7:11 AM
To: Ambon
Subject: Majalah Tempo, 3 Februari 2014 - Indonesia & English Edition
Promo Digital - Desember 2013
Ngeri-Ngeri Suap
Tanggal Edisi: 
3 Februari 2014
Cover Story:  Siapa Bunuh Penghuni Kebun Binatang Surabaya
Deskripsi:  NAMA Sutan Bhatoegana muncul dalam dakwaan korupsi Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Rudi Rubiandini. Rudi mengaku pernah memberi politikus Demokrat itu uang US$ 200 ribu sebagai tunjangan hari raya. Ketua Komisi Energi itu juga disebut meminta imbalan ketika membahas APBN 2013.
Paying The Piper
Edition Date: 
3 February 2014
Cover Story:  Investigation Killing Zoo; Outreach: Empowering Migrant Workers
SUTAN Bhatoegana's name appeared in the investigation of SKK Migas chief, Rudi Rubiandini, who was charged with bribery. The head of the upstream oil and gas regulator admitted to have given Democrat Party member Sutan US$200,000 as a 'Lebaran bonus'. In addition, the chairman of the DPR Energy Commission reportedly asked for more money to discuss the 2013 State Budget.
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